Friday, March 9, 2012

TLS Fics of the Week 3/8 - 3/14/2012: The Fab Five Reviews are UP!

A May to December Romance by Positively Fourth Street
My name is Isabella Swan and today, I signed a contract that would put me in the steel tight clutches of a man I didn't know, for four years. A girl's gotta pay for college somehow, right? AH. Come meet 'Sugar Daddy' Edward. Twilight - Rated: M

Reviewed by: Nichole Stewart

Like many fic readers in the fandom, I was looking for an AH Olderward, and I happened upon a diamond in the rough. There aren't nearly enough stories out there that encapsulate so many emotions and put them on display in such an authentic manner. I must admit, I was initially titillated by the idea of an innocent Bella and a mature Edward to mold her into the perfect sex-toy, but what I got was a
whole lot of everything else, and I've not been disappointed yet.

The story begins with a lonely, imaginative child, cruelly neglected and displaced by both parents. Her childhood was severely disappointing and debilitating to her sense of self-worth. Books and education become her only friends, as she is wise enough to know that when it comes to her parents, it's better the devil you know than chancing foster care.

Self-involved, unloving parents leave her ill-prepared to face adulthood alone, and she comes up with a brilliantly audacious scheme to finance her future: selling herself on the Internet for the opportunity to attend an Ivy League college and to leave her humdrum, poverty-stricken life far behind.

James and Victoria pair up as unlikely matchmakers in this sensitive portrayal of two lonely, lost people starving for companionship and security. Edward, the quintessential object of success and attraction, has recently lost his live-in girlfriend. He's barely noticed how she's slowly diminished the color of his life until the day she walks out, looking for a man that will give her the life she's become accustomed to, and the commitment she desires badly which Edward cannot, or will not, give her. Bella, who has ventured through life like a wraith, is finally able to look at her life objectively and takes drastic measures to change the trajectory of her life. If she stays in Forks, continuing to live the life her parents have prepared her for, she will be stifled and what's left of her inner light will be forever extinguished.

Her desperate, but well-crafted, ad on the Sugar Daddies website could have been answered by anyone, but on a whim of levity, James forwards the ad to Edward, a successsful architect and scion of one of New York's wealthiest families, who is both repulsed by the premise and intrigued by the obvious intelligence of the request. They exchange numerous messages that reveal their humour and intelligence, finally deciding to meet in person. The meeting successfully behind them, she undertakes yet another trip away from Forks, hopefully her last.

Emmett plays his part as the lovable, hard-working foil to Rosalie, the pampered princess and only daughter of Carlisle and Esme and Edward's sister. She's everything we're used to: pushy, demanding, calculating, brash and cruel with the emotional quotient of a killer white. She's used to getting her way and hates Bella's presence in her brother's life and in his home. She married a working-class man that cannot and will not provide her with all the good things in life and her access to Edward's resources is diminishing. Edward begins to feel the pressure of yielding to appease Rosalie and enriching Bella's world and convincing her of her own innate value.

While this is a work in progress, we readers expect a "natural progression" of the plot and some explosive lemons in the future, as the chemistry between Bella and Edward is off the charts. They seem destined for one another and Bella is slowly bringing color and light into Edward's life.

Easy by Mandyleigh
Everyone thought it was strange, how easy I'd gotten over him. It was all a lie. I held on with the tips of my fingers, burning in pain just to make it look that way. It was hard. The hardest thing I'd ever done. BxE  Twilight - Rated: M

Reviewed by: FFPassion

It's not a secret that I'm a huge fan of MandyLeigh87’s work and I've read all her stories. The day she announced she was going to retire from writing fan fiction I cried. So when I got an alert for Easy in my inbox I couldn't wait to open the link. I didn’t even need to read the summary. I just right dived in.

In the first chapter of Easy we meet a recently divorced Bella who has just received her 10yr high school reunion invitation. Bella is hesitant to attend as her life is a let down and the last thing she wants to do is go & see how happy her old school peers are and how successful they've become.

My fingers trembled as I held the small postcard in my hand. I looked over my shoulder at the mounds of boxes that took up half of my new apartment.
How could I go back when my life was such a mess? I had plans. I had dreams. And somehow they seemed to stay just out of reach. Never quite close enough.
I hated admitting that I was a twenty-eight year old divorcee. I couldn't stand this new place. It was barely large enough for the things I'd brought from our house. His house, I guess. It wasn't mine anymore. He wasn't mine anymore.
My entire life was in these boxes now.

Bella gets a phone call from her mother who wants her daughter to come back to visit. She tells Bella how it would be good for her. But Bella isn't convinced and is quickly getting tired of the conversation until Renee tells her that "he's separated."
After the phone call with her mother, Bella finds herself looking through her senior year book, reading what her classmates had to say about her.

You're so sweet, Bella. Never change! –Jessica
Best friend, I can't wait for college. I just know it's going to be everything we hope it will be. I'm so lucky to have you in my life! XOXO –Alice
I laughed at the next entry.
Rosalie Hale
She really did know how to leave an impression in so few words.
I cringed as I turned the page and found his entry.
The first time I saw you, I didn't think you were real. I thought I'd taken a baseball to the head and was lying on the ground unconscious. If that was the case, I didn't want to wake up.
You made this place tolerable for me. It wasn't baseball and it wasn't even my friends. It was you. You didn't treat me like everyone else did. You didn't see me like everyone else did. You saw the real me.
Despite the fact that high school is over and we're all moving away, I want you to remember how much you changed my life. I don't care if we're a thousand miles away from each other, just know that I'll always be loving you.
p.s. You look really hot right now
I slammed the book shut and buried my head in my hands.
Everyone thought it was strange, how easy I'd gotten over him. It was all a lie. I held on with the tips of my fingers, burning in pain just to make it look that way. It was hard. The hardest thing I'd ever done. Harder than allowing myself to fall in love again. Harder than this divorce. Just…hard. I didn't know if I could face him again, or any of them for that matter. That part of my life was a lie. Easy.

Bella closes her yearbook, but the memories stay with her even after she's gone to bed.
After some thought, she decides to go to the reunion despite the embarrassment of her divorce and not achieving what she had dreamed of doing with her life. Despite all of that, she had to go because she had to see him. Edward.

MandyLeigh87 updates regularly so you're not left to wonder what will happen next for too long.
I promise you will not be disappointed with this story, so what are you waiting for?

Head Over Feet by Iambeagle
It's simple, really. A story about two best friends realizing they're head over feet in love.
Twilight - Rated: M

Reviewed by: Jaime Arkin & obsmama

Did everyone see my post in the nursery this week? I'm gonna poach it to post with my review of Head Over Feet by iambeagle for Fic of The Week. Anyone who knows me, knows I dig the fluff... I swoon over it! I love good banter just as much as a good lemon and with Head Over Feet iambeagle does not disappoint.

Bella and Edward have been friends and neighbors for years never single at the same time they've built a solid friendship. Through the chapters there are hints that Edward has wanted more... wants more now, but Bella seems a bit oblivious. Or, maybe she's just afraid of taking that step and messing up a perfect friendship. Either way I love the characters iambeagle has created in this and I just adore the relationship she's built between these two.

There is the sweet...

I let out an unattractive laugh. "Whatever. Don't lie. You were always Team Pete."His brows furrowed. "No, I wasn't."

"Oh my God!" I shoved his shoulder. "Yes, you were!"

"No." He rubbed his shoulder. "I was always Team Whatever Makes Bella Happy."

and the funny...

"I mean, you don't want to take someone like that home to meet your parents."

"I don't?" he questioned, setting his chopsticks on the edge of his plate. "Who should I take home to meet my parents, Bella?"

"I don't know, but not someone like that."

"You keep saying 'someone like that'. What do you mean?"

"You know, like," I cupped my hands to hover over my breasts, "Chesty forward with what she wants." The hostess looked our way again. I realized my hands were still placed in front of my chest, so I quickly picked up my glass.

And finally the sweet lemony stuff...

"You've been holding out on me," I panted, becoming breathless and needy as Edward hummed against my neck.

His hair fell in my face before he looked up, catching my expression. "How so?"

"You're a really good kisser," I claimed, running my index finger over his bottom lip. He shook with a low laugh and I scoffed. "Why are you laughing? I'm being serious."

"I know you are," he said, kissing my finger before I pulled it away. "That's why it's so funny."

"Well, I think it's rude. Lips like that need to be shared," I explained, grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him back down to kiss me.

His lips moved against mine deliberately slow, then he pulled away. "I'm sorry I didn't share my...kissing skills with you sooner?"

"You're forgiven. Why haven't we kissed before?" I asked, my chin suddenly feeling raw from his scruff.

"Because you never wanted to," he said simply, truthfully. "Or something," he added with a grin.

I love a 'friends becoming more' plot, and this story is perfection. These two know each other so incredibly well, and Edward has made it clear he wants more... The suspense now is whether Bella will realize what she's wanted and needed has been in front of her all those years.

Go now... seriously. iambeagle is 10 chapters in and updates quite frequently.  It's quickly moved into place on my 'must drop everything to read' list! it puts a smile on face with every update and it will do the same for you!

I agree with everything Jaime said nothing makes my heart happier then a sweet romance.  This story is so funny and relatable.  I feel like I could be friends with this Bella when she says things like this.

"Hey," he barked, causing me to jump.
"Hi. What? Shit."
"What is going on with you?" he questioned, using a softer voice this time.
"Me? Nothing is going on with me," I lied. "Why? Sup witchu?"

I haven’t been disappointed in anything I have read from iambeagle and this maybe my favorite so far.  The humor and butterflies are all there and as we watch these friends fumble towards more, I have a feeling the sexy times are going to explosive one way or another LOL.  Come and read with me and Jaime and flail at the cuteness and great characters!

It's a Sign by Carano
Edward's the single father to an amzaing little girl... with a hearing disability. "Imagine my surprise when she crouched down to Emma's level... and began signing with her." Language and lemons. No angst. EPOV. Twilight - Rated: M

Reviewed by: Lisa Hollett

It’s a Sign was the fic that popped my CaraNo cherry. I saw it rec’d on Twitter as a Daddyward fic that was complete and wasn’t to be missed. So I checked it out and could not stop reading! I read the whole story thinking to myself, how on earth have I not ever read this amazing writer? I’m a huge Daddyward fan, and Signward is really one of the best. This was one of Cara No’s first stories, and checking her profile just now I see that Wednesday is its one-year anniversary, so all the more fitting to be selected as Fic of the Week this week!

Edward is a single father to five-year-old Emma, who was born deaf. Her mother is not and has never really been in the picture. When little Emma goes wandering off in the grocery store, we meet Bella, who Edward cannot tear his eyes away from.  She is a workout buddy of Edward’s sister-in-law Rose, and is in college, pursuing a ballet degree at Julliard. Soon he hires her to be Emma’s baby-sitter, and his suffering begins.

The thing is that Bella's an open person. That's easy to see, and she's always happy, but I don't know how to ask her anything without coming off as… someone who's interested.
Not that I'm interested in Bella in that way… well, that's a lie.
Confession time.
I've turned into a hormonal teenager. And I shower a lot. Very, very cold ones.

This is not a stereotypical “Daddy’s sleeping with the nanny” fic. This is a story of a father who never got a real chance to be a carefree young man. Edward’s been tied down by responsibility since his very early twenties, and he’s made a very successful life for himself as a composer of music for Broadway shows. As a result, he works at home and takes care of Emma and doesn’t get out much. His family has been pestering him to “put himself out there” and date more, but he was so burned by his experience with Emma’s biological mother that he’d rather not take the risk… Until Bella dances into his life.

Bella is only nineteen when the story begins, and Edward berates himself for having feelings for a girl so young. He quickly comes to care very deeply about Bella, but he cannot imagine she could reciprocate, or that she would ever want anything serious with him due to her age. I mean, here he is in his late twenties, all settled with a daughter and a job, and he assumes that she would never want to settle down so young. Edward, being Edward, internalizes all of this and never speaks to Bella about his developing emotions or hopes or fears.

And when they finally do connect, he’s afraid to ask her what, if anything other than sex, she wants out of their relationship. He figures his best course of action is to not tell her how strongly he feels about her out of fear of pushing her away.

If casual is what I can have with her, then casual it is.
What I really want is for her to move in with me. What I really want is for her to be mine. What I really want is for her to be Emma's mother.
And while I'm at it, I also wish that Santa was real.
But I live in the real world, and I know that what I want is… impossible to get. And with that knowledge, I'm taking whatever she'll give me.

Cara No does an innovative job of delineating when words in the story are spoken or signed in order for the reader to have a full grasp of how Edward, Bella, Emma and the whole gang communicate. (And the whole gang is here, Carlisle and Esme are Edward’s parents, Emmett is Edward’s brother and Emma’s favorite uncle happily married to Rose, Jasper is a friend of Edward’s who is also a single dad to a deaf daughter, Emma’s best friend, and Alice is Bella’s roommate.)

But just because Edward is tearing himself up inside over Bella, don’t think this is a heavy story. It’s a family story, full of love and humor. Emma is a darling, precocious little girl who loves her daddy and adores her new friend Bella. From Emma’s perspective, it’s all so simple.

*Boyfriend and girlfriend kiss. You have to kiss Bella. And hug her a lot. And buy her flowers and candy. I like candy. I love Skittles.*
I-… um… okay, uh? So, I'm taking dating advice from my daughter? And um… she's okay with this?
Shit, I'm… a mess.
"I know you love Skittles," I chuckled, shaking my head to get some fucking clarity. "But baby, are you okay with this? Is it okay with you if I hug Bella a lot and kiss her?"
*Yes, because if you don't kiss, there will not be more babies.*
And that's how the air escaped my lungs.

I keep a copy of It’s a Sign on my phone and my Kindle to re-read whenever I need cheering up or just want something to put a smile on my face. There is pretty much no angst, unless you count Edward’s angst about being a typical male dumbass and what he puts himself through due to his inability to actually talk to the girl he wants to spend the rest of his life with.

This story will also have a special place in my heart because it introduced me to the magic that is Cara No’s writing. I know once you read it, it will take up residence in your heart as well.

The Princess and The E by CLWN
When Bella meets the mysterious 'E' he calls her his Princess and she's soon drawn into his dangerous world of organised crime. But this is no fairytale, so when Edward finds himself in trouble, it's up to his Princess to save him. OOC/AH. ExB AxJ RxEm. Twilight - Rated: M

Reviewed by: Kitty

I remember when I first stumbled upon The Princess and the E a while back.  It was 3 chapters in and I thought to myself “this is going to be an awesome story!”  Since then, I have not once been wrong about my first assumption.  The author, Kelly Clwn, has continued to provide us with a true love story while adding in a little bit of angst, a little bit of drama, and a whole lot of laughs.  This is not your typical mobward story folks, it’s better!

The story is told completely from BPOV and begins with a prologue that pulls you in with the amount of foreshadowing it provides.  Bella’s been arrested, Jacob is a detective trying to ruin Edward, Edward and Bella are married with children, and Charlie is dead.

"No one's seen him for days. Including you." He said smugly.
"Are you're expecting him to waltz in and rescue you like last time?" He laughed nastily. "Not going to happen this time Bella, I made sure that fucker was gone before I brought you in."
We sat in silence for several minutes until there was a commotion outside the door.
I jumped as someone pounded on the door. "Police, open up." A muffled voice shouted. I laughed loudly.
"You were saying Jacob?" I looked up and smiled victoriously.
"What happened to you Bella?" Jacob whispered, pushing back in his chair knocking it to the ground as he stood up and stormed to the door throwing it open.
"What's up Princess." Edward said nonchalantly as he pushed forcefully into the room and grinned at me. "How many more times am I gonna have to bust your sweet ass out of jail?" he laughed.
"Edward" I cried jumping up into his arms and kissing him passionately, his hands went straight for my ass as he held me up, moaning as I pressed my hips against him. He turned, still kissing me and walked out of the small interrogation room.
"The children." I gasped as I pulled back for breath.
"My mom and dad have them. He didn't tell you that?" I shook my head no.
Edward put me down and pulled me under his arm. He smiled softly and kissed my forehead, before his face-hardened, his eyes cold as he turned to Jacob, who had followed us out.
"Do not fuck with me."
"You don't scare me Cullen." Jacob spat.

As we jump back to the beginning, we learn that Bella is a new student at Forks High School and is just doing her time before she can move away after graduation.  Time moves swiftly as Bella makes new friends and begins to date Mike Newton.

Sure, Mike was cute in a generic boy next-door kind of way, but he certainly wasn’t the boy for me. I think he considered me his girlfriend, although we’d never actually spoken about it, and I hadn’t made out with him or anything.

What Bella didn’t realize was that her life was about to change drastically and things would never be the same again.

I thought I had it all sussed, my life was mapped out, and I was bang on course. Boys, lust, fun, love, excitement, life in general could wait. But nothing is ever that simple, there's always something or someone that throws a spanner in the works and despite all your best laid plans, everything you ever thought you wanted changes in the blink of an eye.
For me it happened the second time I met Edward Cullen.

Edward takes an immediate liking to Bella and gives her the nickname Princess. Over the next few chapters, we witness the intense attachment these two have for one another.  Edward is a hardass, foulmouthed teen who is used to always getting what he wants.  He is also part of the mafia, as are all the Cullen men.  There are two sides to Edward that we get to know throughout the story.  To everyone, including his family, he is referred to as E, the no non-sense killer that will shoot before asking questions.

"I still can't believe you call him Edward."
"No one calls him that, he's E or Cullen, only his parents and his grandfather call him by his name, most people don't even know it, you must have made some impression on him if he told you."
"I just asked him." I shrugged; I didn't get what the big deal was. "Wait, is that why you and Emmett were so shocked in the car?"
"Yep, to hear you call him that and not have him react badly was a shock, usually he goes postal. I think our little E might have a crush."
"I doubt it." I said blushing; there was no way someone like Edward would ever be interested in someone like me.
"He calls you Princess!" she laughed.
"Yeah, but that's only because he didn't know my name until Emmett asked when he was on the phone to you." I argued.

To Bella though, he is Edward, the sweet and caring boyfriend who will to anything to keep her safe and happy.

"I don't want to talk to E!"
"I want to talk to Edward. Not E!"
"You're talking to me Princess. E, Edward, whatever, it's the fucking same."
"Not to me. E is cold and hard and unfeeling. Edward is funny and loving and kind. E is all business and frightening. Edward is understanding and adorable. E can do terrible things but Edward never could. I love you Edward. I love all of you. E, Edward, whatever, but right now I want Edward. E might kill people all the time, but I'm pretty sure Edward only ever shot one person!"
"Um, you're kinda making me sound like I have a split personality disorder."
"Because you freaking do!" I yelled. "It's E who thinks it's kill or be killed, E thinks what wasn't that difficult, E thinks it was easy to shoot his best friend's father when he was ten years old, but what does Edward think? Edward, the little boy who had no choice? The little boy who was fun and young and happy before all this happened? Edward, who according to everyone, has only just come back and whose family love him so much, so, so, much that they would do anything to keep him around, because they missed him. My Edward, who I love with all my heart? What does he think and feel? Because the fact you just drove a six hour round trip to check that the sister you saved was okay proves you feel something!"

Edward loves Bella almost to the point of obsession, although, instead of frightening me, it makes me envious.  While it does contain a mafia backplot, the main storyline is centered on Edward and Bella and their relationship.  The ups and downs they experience and what it takes to make a relationship like theirs work.

The Cullens play an important part in this story as well.  In most stories, we see Rose and Edward butting heads and always arguing with each other, but due to past events involving the two of them, they are very close and supportive of one another.  Esme and Carisle are so warm and loving, it makes me wish I could be a part of their family.  Emmett provides us with the comic relief as always and Jasper is the brainiac in the family.  Alice is not the typical canon character that we are used too.  She is more of mystery and very quiet, but when she does speak, she can control the room.   The whole group takes Bella in under their wing and makes her feel apart of their family right off the bat.

I could really go on all day about how fantastic this story is, but I wont.  Instead, I will just insist you check it out and see for yourself why it is one of my favorite stories.  There is a group on facebook where Kelly posts teasers if you are interested in joining :)


  1. A May to December Romance, fabulous story that it is, is on hiatus - any ideas what's happening with "4th" ?

    1. The story has been updated today! I think she's back

