Friday, June 19, 2020

Flash Fic Friday


A big shout out to all those who flashed us in May! 

With all the craziness going on in the world, we wanted to bring some of the fun back from the fandom heydays with Flash Fic Fridays.

What’s a Flash Fic?
Basically it’s a spur of the moment, scene or story prompted by gifs, pictures, words, or quotes.

How does it work?
On Flash Fic Friday, TLS will post a picture prompt to the blog. Using the image, we are asking writers to submit 100-300 words ONLY – no more, no less. Please leave your submission in the comment section at the bottom of the post using this format:

- Penname
- Link to your FFN profile
- Your wonderful 100-300 words

Is this a contest/competition?
No, but we are hoping to inspire words from writers and smiles from readers during this period of social distancing.

So flash us!

Give us some dirty words with a side of sizzle. Make us swoon from sweetness. Or if you love angst, make it hurt so good.

Here’s the prompt I selected for this week. Make sure to incorporate it into your submission:

Happy writing!
~0 0~

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    A Jasper/Alice moment...

    Near a clear, babbling creek, Jasper and I lay flat against the ground, staring into the inky sky. Neither of us spoke. We were both content enjoying the pleasant hum of the quiet forest. The gentle sound of water trickling over stones, and the synchronized chirps of male crickets calling to their mates was our playlist as we observed the stars.

    Turning in his direction, I studied his face. He looked so relaxed with his eyes closed—almost human. But Jasper Whitlock was far too extraordinary for a mere mortal. With piercing blue eyes and blond waves that tumbled around a strong, chiseled face, his features were beyond perfection.

    “I can feel you staring at me.” He opened his eyes and met my gaze.

    “Just admiring my handsome husband.”

    He smiled, the sexiest dimple formed in his right cheek. “Well, in that case, admire away. Would it help if I remove my clothes?”

    I giggled. Jasper shared the common human male trait of always having sex on the brain. “It couldn’t hurt.”

    His fingers deftly unbuttoned his shirt, but he parted the material at an agonizingly slow pace. His lips curved into a knowing smirk as I watched. He was such a tease.

    Pushing his hands aside, I ripped the cotton from his torso and placed my lips next to his ear. “Why do you insist on making me wait?” I softly stroked his earlobe with my tongue.

    Pulling me into his arms, he rolled us over, pinning me beneath him. “My apologies.” His mouth covered mine for a hot, brief kiss followed by warm, gentle caresses down the base of my throat. He settled between my legs, and our kisses quickly became more demanding and urgent. Our tongues tangled as he pressed his hard cock against me. I moaned as his hands roamed my body, removing my clothing with smooth expertise. His lips soon followed the path set forth by his fingers. Nibbling. Sucking. Biting.

    Arching my head back, I whimpered as I scratched my nails down his muscular back. As he thoroughly explored every inch of my skin, I quivered with need.

    “Now,” I begged, reaching for his pants and unbuttoning them.

    “Always so damn impatient.” He chuckled huskily, kicking them off. With one swift thrust, he buried himself deep inside me. We stilled, overwhelmed by the sensation—our joining as powerful now as our first time.

    Clinging together, we slowly started to move as the rest of the world faded away.

    1. That smile and smooth confidence make Jasper so appealing!

    2. Hot with great imagery! What more could I ask?

  2. Brilliant! Love this hawtness. Xx

  3. ghostreader24

    “Are you sure?” I lower my voice, asking hesitantly before she returns from the bathroom.

    “You said I could have anything for my birthday, and this is what I want.” His hand waves toward the closed door. “Are you having second thoughts?”

    I consider his question, watching him closely as he pours himself a finger of scotch from our in-room bar. He settles into the large leather chair facing the bed, lights his cigar, and raises a challenging eyebrow when I haven’t answered his question.

    Was I having second thoughts?

    My eyes never strayed as I watched her from behind my sunglasses all day. Those glorious sun-kissed curves dusted with white sugar sand as she walked topless through the shallow water.

    A smile graced my lips when I heard her soft squeal of surprise after a strong wave crashed against her legs. She struggled to keep her balance, falling below the water’s surface. When she emerged pushing her hair from her smiling face, I licked my lips instinctively wanting to follow those taunting rivulets trickling into the areas hidden from my view.

    The thought of loosening the two ties sitting innocently at her hips caused my fingers to twitch with a growing need. I pictured her straddling me, as I scraped my nails down her back, moving between her legs while she gasped, begging for more. I wanted to be the reason for her giggles of excitement and soft moans of desire while I tortured her with my insistent lips.

    The opening of the bathroom door pulls me from my recollections, and when she stands next to the bed with a knowing smirk dancing across her perfect lips, I know there is only one answer.

    “No. No second thoughts. Not a single one.”

  4. Sunshine1220

    I ignored the whir of the grinder, the cursing and sizzling coming from the kitchen. But I couldn’t ignore the smell of the coffee. As intoxicating as the scent of us was—the one buried into the thousand-thread-count sheets beneath me—the aroma of the magical brew was stronger.

    I groaned as I rolled, my face smashing into his pillow, unwilling to part from the cocoon of blankets just yet.

    “You know, if you sleep the day away, we’ll never get done what we need to do.”

    I blinked, his boxer-clad form coming into focus. He was glorious, all sharp lines and sinew, and for these few days a month, he was mine.

    “What if I don’t want to do anything but stay in bed?” My voice was hoarse from the previous night’s ... exertions.

    He stalked toward me like I was his prey. If I were being honest, I’d been his prey since the day we met.

    “What do you propose instead?” He climbed onto the mattress, pulling the sheets away and settling between my thighs. He skimmed his nose along my jaw and whispered. “Because I have all sorts of ideas. You’re mine for one more day.”

    “Then you better make the most of it.”

    Our lips fused and our tongues tangled as our fingers laced over my head. I used my feet to push away the only thing separating the hard parts of him from the soft parts of me. Guiding my grip to the headboard, his touch trailed down my sides before settling on my hips.

    I threw my head back as he pushed inside, my moan caught somewhere between my belly and my lips. He moved inside me, slow and torturous, drawing out every ounce of pleasure, knowing our time was running short. It would be weeks before we would be together again like this.

    And as I climbed to that precipice with him, my hands clawed at his back, knowing the marks I left on him would fade long before those he’d left on my heart.

    1. Still mooooore!! Maybe they should be together always.

  5. That one stung a little. Good job!
