Saturday, June 20, 2020

TLS Special SNEAK PEEK Feature

The Lemonade Stand has spent so many years bringing you the best the Twilight fandom has to offer, and we are very excited to have the chance to offer you even MORE. We've watched stories grow and develop from first post through COMPLETE, and now we're lucky enough to share previews of the stories that will soon be your new addiction.

This week we are super excited to feature newer writer Hotteaforme, author of the recently completed White Noise. She's sharing a peek of her upcoming fic Taste of Ink.

banner by Hotteaforme

Taste of Ink by Hotteaforme

Summary: This summer was going to change everything. We just weren't prepared for how much... Best friends navigating the ups and downs of their last summer before college.

Hi! Back with something a little different (for me). 2006. MySpace, gigs, boys on boards, weed... what's the worst that could happen?

~ ~ 0 0 ~ ~

Rose is making eyes at me, and I don't understand why until her nails are digging into my arm painfully tight. She lets go as I look at the crescent moons imprinted into my skin.

"What the fuck?"

"Behind you," she whisper-shouts into my ear just before the mellow track erupts into something else entirely, much to the delight of the crowd.

People jump, hands in the air.

I glance behind me.

My stomach drops.

Standing there, as if that's exactly where he's supposed to be, is Tattoo Guy. Our eyes meet and I manage a smile before whipping my head back round to the stage. Then I do that thing people do when they see someone they know and steadfastly ignore him.

Heat creeps up my spine, on the back of my neck.

What is he doing here?

I lean into Rose. "What the fuck?"

She cups her hand to my ear so I can hear, and then she says three words I really wasn't expecting...

~ ~ 0 0 ~ ~

If you want to find out more about Tattoo Guy be sure and put Hotteaforme on alert. Taste of Ink begins posting today, June 20,2020.