Monday, June 15, 2020

What we're reading in TLS this week:

It's a good time to add some fresh recs to your reading list!  Here are some of our newly found favorites that have us wanting more, and a few older ones we've enjoyed revisiting.  If you find something you like, remember to leave the authors some love in the form of a review and let them know where you saw their story recommended. Enjoy! Stay safe out there.

♥ Six Dlbfive

Behind the Bars by RosieRathbone
After 5 years in jail, Edward finally has the freedom he had been longing for. He soon finds employment at Swan’s Stables, a horse ranch where the owner may need him more that she ever thought. Rated M

Body of Christ by Belladonna and TheFictionFreak
She was clearly in pain. She clearly needed help. How could I deny her? How could I ignore the distress of a child of God? I couldn't. And that was my downfall. Some drama, some laughs, plenty of UST. BxE AH AU of the spiritual kind. Rated M

Black and Blue by prettykittyartist
Bella's world is unraveling. The last thing she needs is a cocky sheriff complicating her life. But Edward sees things differently. Breaking the beautiful brunette just became priority number one. Rated M

Dear Bella by FallingInLoveInDecember
Dear Bella, How I miss you and wish you were here to see this, to see her. Our daughter is growing so fast and I feel so ill-equipped without you here to help me navigate this life I now live. No matter how much time passes, the ache will always be there. I love you. Love, Your Edward -Drabble Fic- Rated M

Fallen Angel by MeteorOnAMoonlessNight
When notorious criminal mastermind Edward Cullen came back to town, Bella was blindsided by old feelings of infatuation. She knew better than to dance with the devil... but she did it anyway. Rated M 

Junebug by shouldbecleaning
There are certain dates that stick in the collective memory of people; certain events that stay with you no matter your age. Not birthdays, anniversaries, or death days, but something similar. A life-changing event that deeply affects you and your family. The first for me, July 5, 1976, is a day I will always remember. That was the day Bella Swan went missing. Rated M

Kindred Counterparts by StarryEyedWriter8
The saying 'love at first sight' certainly didn't pertain to Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. Heck, they didn't even like each other. Will time, family, and circumstance be able to change their predicament? AU Rated M

Kush by LayAtHomeMom 
"One hit will make you change your mind." Rated M

Love Bites by PearlyFox
Bella's vampire fantasy is put to the test when she meets a real one at her favorite club on gore night. The red gaze of the mysterious newcomer, Edward Masen, instantly pulls her to him. He seems strange but handsome, and ticks all her boxes. When he unveils his secret, will she embrace her new fate or will it be more than she bargained for? Rated M

So Far From Home by TheFicChick
"Is that all it takes, to make someone a relative stranger again? Five-ish months of a not-so-trial separation? She'd expected it to take longer." Rated M

This Place We Call Home by AGoodWITCH.
Providence and destiny. Elizabeth Masen raised her boy on those principles and though life's hardships, he's remembered her words. When Miss Bella Swan steps off the train at the Denver Depot, she's a pleasant surprise and some much needed help. As they work to build a life for themselves, they'll face hardships neither one expected, but together they will weather the coming storm. Rated M

When Bella Met Edward by assilem33
“When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew.” Rated M

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