Monday, March 27, 2023

What we're reading in TLS this week:

Let’s ease into Monday with a fresh batch of recs from The Lemonade Stand. There is something for everyone with this list. Be sure to let the author know where you saw them recommended when you leave a review. Enjoy!

♥ Six Dlbfive  

Common Ground by drotuno
Common ground or mutual understanding – the ability to find a shared event, feeling, or mind-set. Detective Edward Masen rarely cared about finding common ground with anyone, but he may find he has no choice when it comes to solving his current homicide case. AH/ExB/Rated M

Day Bleeds into Nightfall by JenERoseCullen
While on a break from distance learning, Bella is reminiscing about why her dad's kitchen has an overabundance of one food item. There are many answers to that question, but the most logical answer has to do with a secret she and Edward had tried to keep. Set in the present day. Rated M

Façade by AngelDarkness791
After impulsively snagging a bag full of cash, Bella finds herself in debt to Edward Cullen, a notorious crime lord. His demand? Marriage. Marriage for one year to avoid the conniving plan of his father to marry him to an Italian princess. When his plan goes awry, he finds himself in a race to protect the wife he never wanted. Rated M

Honeysuckle by StarryBlueEyes
When Edward left, my shattered heart followed him. When he didn’t return, it broke all over again. But now he’s back, and I don’t recognize the boy with the dark cloud shadowing his sea-green eyes. What happened when he was gone? And how can we ever get back to what we once were? Edward, Bella, AH, AU. Rated M

Little Happy Mess by Honeybeemeadows
Don’t Think. Just say yes. Rated M

Of Kith and Kin by Chicklette
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return." -Nat King Cole. This story is about that. Rated M

Stupid Little Game by Powered by 23 Kicks
In high school, Edward ruled and Bella suffered the consequences. Years later, they meet again as different people. Still hurt and pretending she's not, Bella is confused by the pull she feels for the man she once knew as a bully, and begins a game of angry indifference to keep him at arm's length. But does she want to win or lose? Rated M

Two Side of the Same Coin by Swanderful
After the tragic death of his wife, Edward is struggling to move forward with his life. When something unexpected happens, he must face ghosts of the past to untangle a mystery. What will life be like when the dust settles? AH Rated M

When The First Snow Falls by Izzy Nava
Emmett and Rosalie died in a car accident, leaving behind their daughter, Macy Cullen. Edward and Bella, Em's brother and Rose's sister, are left to the task of looking after her for a few months while everything gets settled in court. What happens when their time comes to an end? Will she be able to leave? Will he let her? Summary in the 1st chapter. Rated M


  1. I think I may be having a problem with this website- I’ve had to double verify my access to this and then FF.NET. Have there been no updates since March 27? Thank you.

  2. Loved Happy Little Mess, i finished it in one sitting
