Saturday, March 25, 2023

TLS Special SNEAK PEEK Feature


The Lemonade Stand has spent so many years bringing you the best the Twilight fandom has to offer, and we are very excited to have the chance to offer you even MORE. We've watched stories grow and develop from first post through COMPLETE, and now we're lucky enough to share previews of the stories that will soon be your new addiction.

Opening day for America's national pastime is March 30, so it is only fitting we share an upcoming baseball fic. This week we are thrilled to feature DrivingEdward, a reader-turned-writer who will begin posting her very first fic, The Love of the Game. We think this one will be a home run!

banner by Lizzie Paige

The Love of the Game

Summary: Love of family and love of the game drive Braves shortstop Edward Cullen. His focus has always been on striving to be his best, to giving his all. But what if that isn’t enough? When Bella Swan enters his life, they begin a game of love neither of them expects or is sure they can win. Baseballward and Soccerella. AH/ExB/Rated M


Thank you so much for having me. I am DrivingEdward, aka Pamela Lorraine for those who don’t know me by my fic name. I’m a long-time prereader and lover of words. I am humbled by the opportunity to sneak my very first fic here. What started out as a Fic Lab prompt, a love of baseball, a muse, and a movie, spawned a story I’ve been excited and itching to tell.

With the love, guidance, and support of my amazing prereaders and beta encouraging me along, I have mustered the courage to step my big toe into the world of writing fic.

This has been a labor of love and baseball. A huge challenge to push myself and do something outside the box in the year 2023. So, with that, I am excited to share with you The Love of the Game. This story is loosely, and I stress loosely, based on the movie For the Love of the Game. It’s a whole lot of love story with a side of baseball. I hope you enjoy this Edward and Bella as much as I have enjoyed creating them.


Excerpt, chapter 2: The Love of the Game 

Edward touched her arm and stopped her. “I’m not even close to being ready for this evening to end, are you?” He looked deep into her eyes, hoping for some sign she was interested in spending more time together. 

“Not really,” she replied as goosebumps broke out on the arm he was touching. “What do you have in mind? Is there another bar nearby we can go to?”

“Not a bar, exactly,” he responded, a bit unsure. “I want to show you one of my favorite places. Are you game? It’s not far, I promise. I know you’re in heels.” 

“Where precisely is this favorite place?” Bella asked with curiosity.

“Well, it’s in the Omni Hotel, right across the way.”

“I’m staying at the Omni, and I don’t recall anything remarkable in the hotel.”

Edward gave a sly smile as he responded. “Well, that’s because you aren’t in a suite overlooking the stadium.” His eyes twinkled with a bit of mischief as he attempted to woo Bella back to his room. The view at night with all the lights was extraordinary. It was his church, and in that moment, he wanted to share it with her.

Bella looked at him hesitantly, but nodded in agreement, as she began to walk toward the bathroom. 

Edward gathered their drinks, one in each hand. “Look at me,” he called after her. “I’m rendered completely helpless.” He chuckled. “I can’t use either of my hands. You’ll be safe with me. And I promise I’ll be the perfect gentleman.” 

Bella turned around and saw the jovial expression on Edward’s face as he walked toward her. 

“Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that, Cullen.” She laughed. “You’re not the first professional athlete who’s tried to get me to their room, and I’m sure you won’t be the last.” Bella glanced back at Edward right before she entered the bathroom and noted the look of contemplation on his face. 

As she entered the bathroom, she heard Edward shout, “I’ll meet you at the door.”

Standing at the mirror, Bella smoothed down her hair, and swiped a bit of lipstick on her lips. She gave herself a good, hard look while she delivered a silent pep talk. She felt assured that going to his suite was a good idea. He knew she was Emmett’s sister-in-law, she considered. Nothing bad could possibly happen. They were teammates, friends, compadres. 

Edward was truly a stand-up guy. A possible hookup with that desirable man could be a possibility, and Bella decided she was up for it. She hadn’t opened herself up in a long time. Edward was easy to talk to, and the whole evening had seemed effortless. 

She knew, just by the interaction they’d had tonight, that Edward was nothing like her ex. He had the wholesome, boy-next-door quality that made him quite endearing. Everyone around him seemed to want to be in his presence. She was just lucky enough to garner his attention, and she was not complaining. An unfamiliar emotion overcame her as she looked at herself for the last time before leaving the bathroom—desire.

When Bella walked out of the bathroom, she spied Edward standing by the door, holding not only both drinks, but a bottle of chardonnay under his arm. 

“Where did that come from?”

“I know people.” He shrugged as he gave her that sweet smile. “Ready?”

“I’m as ready as I’ll ever be, Darling.” 


After a lazy walk across the Battery to the hotel, Bella and Edward found themselves patiently waiting for the elevator to take them to Edward’s suite. Both of them were aware of their surroundings and hoped no one was around to catch them going up together. The gossip would be relentless, and neither one of them was interested in perpetuating that. 

As the elevator dinged and the doors opened, Bella and Edward walked in. They took one last look into the lobby, checking to see if there were any witnesses. When they were satisfied, Bella asked Edward what floor he was on. 

“Sixteen,” he replied gruffly. Clearing his throat, he gave her a reassuring smile. 

Bella hit the button for the sixteenth floor and rested against the back wall next to Edward. 

The moment the door closed, the atmosphere changed. Something about the fact that they were alone, in an enclosed space, made the ambiance feel electric. They were both reticent, wondering what the other was thinking. The silence was deafening as the elevator moved up the floors. They turned to each other simultaneously, each with a lingering gaze, both deciding what they wanted to say or do.

Bella reached over to take the wine bottle out of Edward’s arm to lighten his load, and in that slight turn of their bodies, as she removed the bottle, they came face-to-face. Their eyes locked, and without any delay, their lips crashed together.


If you’d like to read more, please put me on alert and follow me here:

Thank you, and hope to see you March 30th when I post the first chapter!

Remember to follow DrivingEdward so you don't miss out on The Love of the Game


  1. I love baseball and looking forward to reading your story!

  2. I can't wait! Pamela told me this was on the horizon and I've been anticipating it ever since!
