Saturday, November 19, 2022

TLS Special SNEAK PEEK Feature


The Lemonade Stand has spent so many years bringing you the best the Twilight fandom has to offer, and we are very excited to have the chance to offer you even MORE. We've watched stories grow and develop from first post through COMPLETE, and now we're lucky enough to share previews of the stories that will soon be your new addiction.

This week we are thrilled to feature LaMomo, author of fandom favorites Correct the Narrative, Behind the Ivories and Business Class Girl. Today, she's sharing a preview of her upcoming fic Shape the Narrative.

banner by Lizzie Paige

Shape the Narrative 

Summary: After years of pining for Bella from afar, Edward finally confessed his feelings to her.  But between their age difference and busy careers—Bella’s impending MBA graduation, Edward’s academia at Cornell—will they be able to navigate all the challenges they face in their new relationship? Sequel to "Correct the Narrative." OlderWard, LawyerWard. Follow their fast-paced romance as they shape their narrative. 


Edward and Bella’s story begins in "Correct the Narrative", where they both work at the Atlanta law firm founded and managed by Edward’s father Carlisle Cullen, and his uncle, James Masen. Edward is a partner there, while Bella is the go-getter marketing manager.  Along with the rest of the gang at the firm, and between office gossip and various mishaps, one of which threatens Bella directly, we ultimately learn how Edward has loved Bella from afar for many years while she’s worked within arm’s length of him. By the end of the story, Edward gathers up the courage to confess his feelings, and happily discovers that she reciprocates his sentiments and wants to pursue a relationship with him.

In “Shape the Narrative,” Edward and Bella will have to learn how to navigate their new relationship as their careers travel different paths. 

Bella’s MBA graduation from Emory looms over the horizon, while Edward leaves clients and briefs behind for the halls of academia. But as the couple quickly discover, his semester as a visiting professor at Cornell cuts into his time with Bella. He wants their relationship to go full speed ahead, yet Bella’s head still needs to catch up with her heart.

The challenges don’t end there, though—work proves tricky for the two lovebirds, with new people in the office who may or may not have hidden agendas against them.

How will Edward and Bella beat the odds and shape their own narrative?

Find out on Saturday, November 26 when the story posts to these platforms:

None of my stories would be possible without Team Momo, and I’m so grateful they follow my crazy ramblings. Shout out to them: Midnight Cougar and Alice’s White Rabbit wield the beta’ing pens; Agoodwitch, Driving Edward, Eternally Addicted Maplestyle, mcc101180, and Robsmyyummycabanaboy pre-read.

Lizzie Paige created the gorgeous banner for this story.

Here’s a snippet of how they begin to “Shape the Narrative”:


Apartment 2A. This was the place. I rang the doorbell and waited.

Bella’s voice filtered from inside. “One moment please!”

I hoped she wouldn’t open without checking. This building was in a good part of town, but it had no security. I worried about her living here all alone when she told me her home address. I’d never pictured this before. I’d never ventured to think what her living space might look like. It was one of the million little things about her I’d denied myself while I thought we didn’t have a chance at a real relationship.

But here I was. Here we were. A week after that heartfelt, soul-baring, galvanizing talk we’d had in my mother’s sunroom, I stood outside Bella’s apartment to pick her up for our first date.

Some shuffling sounds came, muffled by the closed door, then the metallic clink of keys in a lock. The door opened, revealing her—my Bella.


You’ll love this story if you love:
OlderWard / age gap stories
Emotionally intelligent characters
Whirlwind romances
Office intrigue
Fast-paced stories with shorter chapters
Drama with a touch of humor

Be sure to put LaMomo on alert so you don't miss this one! Shape the Narrative begins posting on Saturday, November 26.