Saturday, November 12, 2022

TLS Special SNEAK PEEK Feature

The Lemonade Stand has spent so many years bringing you the best the Twilight fandom has to offer, and we are very excited to have the chance to offer you even MORE. We've watched stories grow and develop from first post through COMPLETE, and now we're lucky enough to share previews of the stories that will soon be your new addiction.

Our Sneak today comes to us from 2Brown-eyes, author of No Angel, Those Days Were Over, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Red Ranger. She’s sharing an excerpt of her upcoming new fic Ace

banner by 2Brown-eyes


Summary: Edward’s life is seamlessly perfect, and he has grown to hate it. Perhaps the snarky girl who’s assigned to the locker next-door can shake things up for the better.


“Don’t you have somewhere else you can be?” Tanya asked impatiently. 

“Yes, and I can’t get there fast enough to get away from all the noise.” Bella turned and started to walk down the empty hall.  “Enjoy your overpriced trash of the sea.” 

“I’ll have you know lobster is a delicacy,” Tanya called after her.

Bella flipped her middle finger in the air and kept going.

“Honestly, she’s horrible. I don’t understand why they let people like her in here. She’s completely uncivilized,” Tanya complained.

“It’s a public school, they can’t refuse her. And she’s not wrong. Lobster was once considered a trash food since they are bottom feeders. They were given to prisoners to eat during the Revolutionary War. It wasn’t until after the 1880s when it started to become more popular,” I informed her.

“Whose side are you on?” Tanya stamped her foot. 

“It has nothing to do about sides—it’s a fact.” I shrugged. 

“Whateves, are you ready to go to lunch?” Tanya asked, latching onto my arm. “Everyone is probably wondering where we are.” 

“Actually, I need to run to my car first. Go ahead without me.” I had to get out of here and it was the best excuse I could come up with.

“Fine. Don’t be long.” Tanya walked off, her heels clicking along the way. 

I heaved a sigh and left the building. The sky was overcast like my mood. I walked at a snail’s pace, in no hurry to go into the cafeteria and continue to play the perfect anything. I leaned up against my car and tilted my head back. Not even the fresh air could relax me. I needed a change before I snapped.
I spotted Bella, sitting in the back of her truck. She was balancing her drawing pad on her knees while she drew with one hand and nibbled on an apple with the other. Her flannel was off, and I could see another tattoo of a Celtic design that wrapped around her upper biceps. 

Maybe she was what I needed. After all she was much different than everyone else I knew, and she seemed content with her life. I headed over to her and paused by the truck. I shifted from foot to foot, trying to think how to approach her. 

“Did you get lost, Ace? The cafeteria is that way.” She pointed with her pencil.

“Actually, I was looking for you,” I told her. 

“Me? Why?” She glanced away from her sketch. 

“I need your help with something,” I said nervously. 

“What could I possibly help you with? The only subjects we have together are Physics and History, and we don’t have anything due,” she asked. “Why can’t Tanya help you? She’s your girlfriend,” Bella pointed out.

“Tanya can’t help me,” I said.

“O…kay. Then Emmett.” She shrugged. The strap of her tank top slipped, and I was distracted. Did she not have a bra on?  My cock started to stir, and I prayed she didn’t look down. 

“Emmett can’t…you know what, forget it.” I started to walk away. 

This was a stupid idea.

“Ace, wait!” she called after me. “I’m not trying to be a bitch. We barely speak more than a sentence or two unless we’re working on a lab together. So, forgive me for not understanding why out of all the people at school you’d come to me.” 

“It’s…” I chickened out of what I was going to say. “A.P. History, you know the test is coming up next month. I was hoping we could study together.”

“Oh…” She blinked a few times. “Sure. When would you like to start?”

“How about after school?” I adjusted the book strap on my shoulder.


Be sure and put 2Brown-eyes on alert. Ace starts posting November 14, 2022.


  1. Thank you so much for the pimp -May T. Brown aka 2Brown-eyes

  2. Greedy to meet Ace! Thanks for the update!
