Saturday, November 5, 2022

TLS Special SNEAK PEEK Feature

The Lemonade Stand has spent so many years bringing you the best the Twilight fandom has to offer, and we are very excited to have the chance to offer you even MORE. We've watched stories grow and develop from first post through COMPLETE, and now we're lucky enough to share previews of the stories that will soon be your new addiction.

This week we are featuring the writing duo of Cullenlvr83 and samviolawrites, who are writing as mafiamistresses. They are giving us a sneak of their upcoming fic The Code of Swan.

banner by Mina Rivera

The Code of Swan
Mafia Mistresses

Total strangers. They were only supposed to last one night. What happens when their lives are more entwined than they realize? Secrets and lies have a way of tearing people apart. Especially when you’ve taken an oath to follow the code.

~ ~ xXXx ~ ~


“I can’t believe you're making me come with you. Why you gotta be such a fucking pussy?” I sighed, flicking my cigarette onto the sidewalk. Assholes need their hands held to carry out a simple task. Amateurs.

Alistair flipped his long, greasy blond hair, rolling his eyes. “Not everyone bags a bone as well as you, EC.” He patted me on the shoulder as I reached around my back for my glock, lifting it from my waistband under my suit jacket. 

“Stop kissing my ass and get your fucking nine out. You need a lesson on how to use it now too?” I didn't need someone blowing smoke up my ass—I could call Lauren for that shit.

We walked down the cobblestone street for half a block more before ducking into the alley. I knocked on the metal door in the middle of the alleyway exactly three times. Felix, a muscular body-building type of guy, answered the door, pouting like the little bitch he could be. I would typically think he was your average fanuk, but he happened to be a great hitman. At least he wasn’t a fucking stunad like Alistair. I was stuck with him because of Aro “calling in a favor” or some shit. Everybody wanted to get on my nerves today it seemed. As if I didn’t have enough on my plate, I had to train the new kid. Because it was so fucking hard to ice people. 

“Hey man.” Felix extended his hand, pulling me in for a hug, patting me on the back a few times before letting go. At least he wasn’t like Aro or Marcus who always wanted a double cheek kiss. Typical freaking guineas. Took one to know one I suppose. 

Alistair stood there, uncomfortably, waiting for me to introduce him, I guess. Rolling my eyes, I said, “Felix, this is Alistair, or my new shadow for god knows how long.” I gestured to the dirty-looking kid next to me. Geez, you’d think his new lifestyle could afford him a nice suit or something. He looked like he just rolled out of bed. Adjusting my watch, I looked to Felix, dying to leave already or at the very least get a drink from the bar. “Peter ready for me?”

Felix nodded eagerly. “Yep, he’s in the back. Don’t worry, the package is there too.” He gave me a side smirk. He walked to his corner in the poorly lit back room, and I started down the hallway. As I approached the door, I looked behind me and found Alistair where I left him by the supply closet Felix called an office. 

“What the fuck?” I outstretched my arms, widening them. Why did I have to get stuck with this shit? 

He walked down the corridor, meeting me halfway. He bit his lip and looked at me wide-eyed. “Is the assignment in there?” His voice was shaky, and I could see a tremble in the hand that was holding his piece. 

I tried to run my fingers through my hair, but they got stuck, leaving me frustrated. I knew it was a mistake gelling it back today. Taking a deep breath and attempting to have patience, I nodded. If I spoke to him, I would probably end up yelling. And by the looks of him, he was already shitting his pants. My temper wouldn’t help anything. “Well, EC–” He stammered, and there went my patience.

“You gotta problem with that? Thought you told Aro that you got this shit under control,” I taunted. I knew full well he’d never iced someone before, but it was fun reminding him of that. You never forget your first kill…

“I’ve never gone all the way before,” he whispered, looking around like it was some big secret. 

“You think I don’t know that? What do you take me for—a mamaluke?” Sheesh this fucking kid needed to calm the fuck down before I iced him. Aro would be “disappointed,” but I think he’d understand.

“No, sir. I’m just nervous. I mean, this is all over a few Gs missing?” he asked. This asshole really had the audacity to question why we were icing someone. I didn’t even challenge that, and I was way higher in rank. 

Rule number one in mafia life: don’t mess with the fucking paper. It was literally the most important rule. 

~ ~ xXXx ~ ~

Remember to put mafiamistresses on alert. The Code of Swan begins posting Sunday, November 6th.

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