Saturday, October 29, 2022

TLS Special SNEAK PEEK Feature


The Lemonade Stand has spent so many years bringing you the best the Twilight fandom has to offer, and we are very excited to have the chance to offer you even MORE. We've watched stories grow and develop from first post through COMPLETE, and now we're lucky enough to share previews of the stories that will soon be your new addiction.

This week we are excited to feature AgoodWITCH, author of Posses and Posies, This Place We Call Home, and Man Of Omerta. She’s sharing a sneak of her new fic Waver, Tire, Falter, Fail. 

banner by MarieCarro

Waver, Tire, Falter, Fail 

Summary: Isabella Swan had worked her whole life to reach the office of the Vice Presidency. She had a loving relationship and her future was set, until it was turned upside down. Threats surround her and her former lover is now the man charged with her protection. But Bella is determined to prevail.


“Duty calls?”

“The Italian President is two minutes out. They’re nearly ready downstairs in the library. Once they are, we’ll have you sworn in here and get us in the air. When we’re safely on our way home, they’ll break the news about President Clearwater and air the footage of you being sworn in as the 48th President of the United States.”

“I’m not ready,” she stuttered.

“Yes, you are, Bella. You’re what our country needs right now. This is a historic moment. You’re about to become the first female President.”

“Thanks, because this wasn’t enough pressure. Should I change into something more professional?”

“No, with the pictures from earlier already out there, this will show you were sworn in as soon as possible. The administration insisted.”

“How much longer do I have before I need to be in the library?”

“Five minutes.”

“Can I have two minutes of your time before then?”

“You need to be camera ready. No lipstick smudges,” he resisted.

“You should know by now that I use lip stains. No risk of smudging.”

“A goodbye kiss?”

“An ‘until next time’ kiss.”

He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers. It was intense and passionate, filled with all the desperation and fear the night had brought out in them. Far too quickly, Edward pulled away. “Check your appearance in the mirror and make sure Athenodora is on schedule.”

Bella did as he asked, thankful that her personal aide seemed to have everything in hand. A moment to touch up her eyes and check her hair, then she was back in the sitting room. Edward knocked on the door and the agents outside opened it, allowing him to lead her out.

Carlisle was already in the library, speaking to President Volturi when she stepped in. “Isabella, I’m so sorry.”

“He was a good man. We will do everything we can to carry on his legacy.”

“Ma’am, we’re ready when you are,” Edward told her.

Isabella looked around at the cameras, most handled by agents under the direction of the White House Photographer, Carmen Lovato. When she was ready, Carmen nodded.

Carlisle stepped up with a bible in hand. “Are you ready, Madam Vice President?”


The cameras began to record as Isabella repeated the oath Secretary Cullen spoke. “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of the President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

“Madam President,” Carlisle said. He shook her hand, followed by greetings from the Italian President and the Ambassador to Italy. The cameras cut off and Carmen collected the equipment so she could pull the memory cards and edit the footage on the flight. Once everything was packed, Isabella turned to Edward.

“Agent Masen, what’s our next move?”

“All of the luggage is being checked and loaded into the vehicles. From there, we’ll go straight to Ciampino. Should be in the air within the hour, Madam President.”

With a nod, she turned to Athenodora to go over everything that would need to be handled once they landed. For the moment, she would remain at Number One Observatory Circle. This would allow agents a chance to sweep the White House and get the Clearwater family moved out of the residence. Her heart broke for Sue and the kids; she'd gotten to know them well the last two and a half years.

It wasn’t long before they were on the move, with traffic blocked to allow quick travel through the streets to the military airport where Air Force One and Two were both waiting to take off. Most of the party boarded Air Force One, while a select group traveled on the decoy plane. Once they were in the air, they would fly on two different flight plans in case something more sinister was at play. 

When the plane taxied down the runway, Isabella looked out the window and took one long deep breath. The moment the plane landed in DC she’d be center stage, six years earlier than she’d planned.


Be sure to put AgoodWITCH on alert. Waver, Tire, Falter, Fail begins posting on November 8, 2022.

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