Saturday, April 24, 2021

TLS Special SNEAK PEEK Feature


The Lemonade Stand has spent so many years bringing you the best the Twilight fandom has to offer, and we are very excited to have the chance to offer you even MORE. We've watched stories grow and develop from first post through COMPLETE, and now we're lucky enough to share previews of the stories that will soon be your new addiction.

Today we are featuring the talented writer, MeteorOnAMoonlessNight. Her stories Seismic Shift, The Ember Sword, and Façade have often been featured on the TLS Rec List. We are elated to share an exclusive peek of her newest one, Devil Incarnate, which is a sequel to Fallen Angel

banner by Belizabetty Masen 

Devil Incarnate

Summary: 20 years have passed, and the Cullen Family is now notorious for their legitimate business. From the outside, they appear to have an idyllic life, until an unforeseen threat throws their world into chaos. When loyalty and love are pushed to the limit, a line must be drawn between monsters and heroes.


Fallen Angel was the most fun I’ve had interacting with readers over a story. The suspense, the action, the drama; that’s what I love to write. And it helps that everyone tried to guess the twist and couldn't. Even when the story came to a natural end, I didn't want to let it go. I had visions of Quinn as a grown man deciding on whether he should join the mafia with his father and uncles. I pictured all the Irish Cullens and the personalities I could create for them. Even more, I pictured Bella fulfilling her dreams on her terms, and someone coming along to mess it all up. How would Edward react to getting sucked back into the life? How would adult Quinn deal with it? From those questions, Devil Incarnate was born; a term Edward often referred to himself as in Fallen Angel

Here is a snippet from chapter eight.

Adrenaline pumping, Edward recalled all the times he’d been involved in car chases in his lifetime. He didn't know who was interested in them, or who could have caught up to them. It didn't really matter; he’d make sure they were dead either way. 

“Left, left, left!” Ben shouted.

Edward jerked the wheel, sending the vehicle careening over lawns and small shrubs. There wasn't anything there but a narrow alley, and yet he trusted Ben intrinsically. In his hand, Ben held a small GPS system with an aerial view of their location lit up in shades of green.

“Dead end; go right.”

Instinct took over as he maneuvered through the damp, dark streets. It was almost exhilarating.

Grabbing the handle above her door, Bella braced herself as the car tried to retain traction taking a turn through a puddle. 

Someone’s cell phone began to ring. Emmett pulled his from his tactical vest pocket, holding it up and squinting. “Who the fuck is that?”

“Answer it,” Edward ordered.

Immediately, Emmett answered the call and placed it on speakerphone. “What do you want?” he barked into the phone.

“For you to pull over so we can talk like civilized adults.”

“Over your dead body,” Edward answered.

“Now, now, Mr. Cullen. There’s no need to be so crude.”

They all heard a whistling sound as something flew overhead. At the last minute, Edward braked hard, and the street in front of them lit up with an explosion. His occupants were all thrown forward, but it was much preferred over the alternate outcome.

“Who the fuck are you?” Emmett shouted.

“Your ally. Or your enemy. Your choice.”

Bella met Edward’s gaze, the interior of the SUV illuminating in the flames coming from in front of them. He nodded, and she nodded in return.

Edward took the phone from Emmett and ended the call, throwing the device on the floor. “Ben, where is our secondary vehicle located?”

“Directly behind the enemy.”

“Instruct them to treat him as such.”

Putting the vehicle in reverse, Edward listened to Ben relay the instructions. Soon, they caught up to the other two vehicles, watching as the interloper attempted to outrun Seamus. A devilish smirk appeared on Edward’s face as Seamus rammed the side of the blacked-out SUV. In under a minute, Edward had joined him to flank the idiot. Metal screamed as they narrowed the distance between them, scraping and bumping their way down the four-lane road. When the guy in the middle sped up, they did the same, making a harmonious effort to run him into the upcoming median. Sparks flew as Seamus bottomed out over a speed bump and scraped the undercarriage, but no one slowed down. 

The cell phone rang from the floor, but was ignored. Bella’s lit up, and she raised her eyebrow at Edward. 

“Go ahead.”

The voice immediately came shouting over the speakerphone. “Don’t you fucking idiots realize I’m not alone? My air support could blow up both your SUVs in half a second. Stand the fuck down!”

Ben held his finger over his phone’s screen, ready to inform Seamus and the others of Edward’s decision. 

The three vehicles were nearly locked onto each other, making a horrendous racket as they careened down the street. The other man could possibly slam on his brakes and avoid the worst collision of his life with the light pole and two foot concrete berm five hundred feet ahead of them. As much as Edward wanted to doubt his claims, they’d seen the rocket come from what seemed to be nowhere to blow up before their eyes. With a curt nod, Edward tapped the brakes and steered away from the vehicle caught between him and his cousin. Ben typed furiously, and seconds later, Seamus came to a jarring stop. Smoke poured out from under his tires, and Edward and the others exited with their weapons drawn to approach the man they’d spoken to on the phone. He’d stopped with a mere few inches between him and the light pole to spare, his hood billowing smoke. 

He was out and aiming a handgun at Edward in seconds. Calmly, Edward remained frozen in place, his own—bigger—gun raised and his body turned to the side.

“Who the fuck are you?”

“The asshole sent to help you.”

“You have a funny way of helping.”

“Clearly, I should have sent the cavalry to your house to scare your wife and children instead.”

“His wife isn’t easily scared,” Bella said, moving up to Edward’s side with her weapon raised. 


Devil Incarnate begins posting on April 27. Be sure to put MeteorOnAMoonlessNight on alert so you don't miss out!