Saturday, April 17, 2021

TLS Special SNEAK PEEK Feature


The Lemonade Stand has spent so many years bringing you the best the Twilight fandom has to offer, and we are very excited to have the chance to offer you even MORE. We've watched stories grow and develop from first post through COMPLETE, and now we're lucky enough to share previews of the stories that will soon be your new addiction.

Today we are featuring Sukiethree, author of Dangerous Secrets, Skyjacked, and Third Time’s the Charm. She’s sharing an excerpt from her upcoming new fic Deceit and Destiny

banner by LizziePaige

Deceit and Destiny 

Summary: A teenage mistake compounded by a marriage built on deception. Returning from a glorious week of freedom brings revelations and consequences Bella never thought she’d have to face. But as the lies unravel and secrets are revealed, an unexpected connection brings an abiding love and a new life emerges.


Deceit and Destiny began as a one-shot for the Secrets and Lies Contest, but as the story evolved, I exceeded the contest word limit, and a full story formed instead.

Pregnant at seventeen, Bella marries her teenage crush, the most popular guy on the reservation, after his surprise proposal. As a loving mother but a disillusioned wife, she works hard to build a life together and a home for their family.

When Bella is offered a well-deserved birthday vacation by her boss, she and three friends head to L.A. for sun, sea, sand, and a little freedom. It is there that a chance meeting with a beautiful, copper-haired, emerald-eyed stranger proves to be an eye-opening beginning to the unraveling of Bella’s life. Back home, she comes face-to-face with the truth, and one by one, the secrets and lies her life has been built on are revealed, each more shocking than the last, while she also adds to the deception.

A twisty tale of how secrets can destroy lives, but destined to ultimately bring into existence a story of love from the unexpected connection, redemption, and friendship.


Another margarita soon wore away my insecurities, and my body reacted naturally to the beat of the music. We were surrounded by warm, hard bodies as men in the club gravitated toward the spot on the dance floor that we’d claimed as our own.

I was so lost in the music that it took me a while to notice there was someone behind me. His intoxicating scent enveloped me and strong hands gripped my hips. I whirled around and faced jade-green eyes, wild bronze hair, and a sharp jaw covered in a layer of designer stubble. 

Whatever I was about to say died on my lips and, instead, when a blinding smile from him crossed his face, it echoed on mine. Instead of telling him to get lost, I wound my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. His leg snaked between mine, both of us getting lost in the music.

“What’s your name?”

His whisper close to my ear caused my nipples to harden and my skin to erupt in goosebumps. I could feel his erection pressing into my stomach, and while I felt slightly uncomfortable because I was married, it was gratifying to think that such a beautiful man found me attractive.

Leaning in close enough for him to hear me, I answered.


”I’m Edward. Can I buy you a drink?”


His palm slid down my bare arm, then grabbed my hand to tow me through the thick crowd, which parted in front of him like the sea in front of Moses, girls casting him blatant looks of lust and desire. I smirked at them all, boosted by the fact that, at that moment, he’d chosen me.

We reached the bar and he drew me inside the circle of his arm, resting his hand on my shoulder. I didn’t feel uncomfortable but instead felt protected and cherished. Edward was much taller than my five-foot-six, and even though my heels added inches, he still had to bend at the waist and put his mouth close to my ear for me to hear him over the music. His hot breath made my body react the same way as when we were on the dance floor, only this time, his eyes flicked down as my nipples hardened. 

“What would you like?” he asked.

A lifted eyebrow and a crooked smile told me he was interested in my reaction, but he didn’t say anything more.

I stood on tiptoe and spoke close to his ear. “Hmm, I haven’t had much opportunity to try anything different than the usual beer or margarita. Why don’t you surprise me?”

I settled back on my heels, satisfied at seeing the lust that flickered in his eyes before he closed them for a few seconds.

He turned toward the bar and lifted his hand, bringing a barman within a minute, despite the patrons three-deep waiting to be served. Leaning over the bar, the barman listened for a second, then nodded and grabbed some bottles from the shelves behind him. I watched as he put on a show reminiscent of Tom Cruise in the film Cocktail, pouring the liquid into a frosted glass he took from the cold store under the bar, then poured a different drink into a short tumbler. Edward grabbed both glasses, handing one to me, and leaned on the bar facing me.

I took a sip, tasting crisp, sweet oranges. Closing my eyes, I let out a quiet moan as the flavors filled my mouth. It was my turn to smirk when I opened them to see Edward abruptly close his mouth, but not before I’d glimpsed his tongue sliding along his bottom lip.


Deceit and Destiny begins posting on April 27th. Be sure and put Sukiethree on alert so you don't miss out.