Monday, July 13, 2020

What we're reading in TLS this week:

We hope you've been enjoying our reading recommendations and have been finding plenty of new things to read and review. Here’s the latest round of TLS approved recs just for you. Remember to leave the authors some love and let them know where you saw them recommended. Enjoy!
Stay safe out there!

♥ Six Dlbfive

Between the Covers by CosmoSydney
Every day a different book. Every book a different message. As Bella deliberately works her way through the library, will Edward be able to read between the covers? Rated M

Don’t Delete the Kisses by iambeagle
When Bella receives a provoking message from a stranger on Instagram, intrigue ensues. Who is this Masen person? And what the hell does he want? Rated M

Edge of the Night by love-tart
Bella and Edward couldn't be more opposite. She's a rich heiress and successful businesswoman in her own right. He's a detective that's seen way too many bad things happen to good people. Fate puts them in each other's path, but the road to happily-ever-after could be a rocky one. Rated M

Entrapment by jemster23
For Bella Swan, desperate times call for desperate measures. For Edward Cullen, family is everything. *Voted First place in the Twilight Family Affairs contest* Rated M

Intensity by mama4dukes
Twelve years have gone by since Paul and Bella walked away from La Push and reached for success. When they unexpectedly run into each other, the pack suddenly comes trickling back into their lives. Time changes people but can it change traditions? AU/OOC Rated M

Little Lovebird by assilem33
"Do you want them to think you've just been wallowing in self pity the past six years? Come on, you've got bigger balls than that. Show them." Rated M

She Will Be Loved by cullenlvr83
Emmett realizes that he is in love with his best friend. Bella has been busy trying to distract herself with loser boyfriends, thinking her life long best friend could never love her back. Will they ever get on the same page. Em/B Rated M

The Freshmen by LayAtHomeMom
"It's something I live with every single day." Rated M

The Haunting of Bella Swan by Ericastwilight
Edward Masen had seen and heard a lot things since the day he died, but didn't stay dead. Nothing prepared him for her. Rated M

Those Days Were Over by 2brown-eyes
As children we spent our summers as fishing buddies that became childhood sweethearts. College led us on different paths until fate had them collide once more. He was no longer the boy I remembered from carefree summers—those days were over. Rated M

Through the Flames by Sparkling Twilight
One fateful night, 29y/o Edward must make the decision that haunts every firefighter's worst nightmares. In choosing between his life and that of another, life altering repercussions arise. Rated M. Contains graphic descriptions of fire. Rated M

Virgins & Villains by Emmamama88
Edward Masen, Hollywood heartthrob, meets Bella Swan, shy college student, and the romantic sparks fly. Can they both overcome traumatic pasts and trust issues to be together? Rated M


  1. Check your link for V&V. There’s 1 too many “o”s in fiction

  2. Thank you so much for the mention. -May T. Brown

  3. Thank you TLS for regularly providing a range of wonderful new and old reads. Really appreciate you making the time to summarise and link so many terrific stories by great writers.

  4. Thank you thank you thank you! Love you all from being me such awesome recs exactly when I need them❤️❤️❤️
