Friday, July 17, 2020

Flash Fic Friday


A big shout out to all those who flashed us in June! 

With all the craziness going on in the world, we wanted to bring some of the fun back from the fandom heydays with Flash Fic Fridays.

What’s a Flash Fic?
Basically it’s a spur of the moment, scene or story prompted by gifs, pictures, words, or quotes.

How does it work?
On Flash Fic Friday, TLS will post a picture prompt to the blog. Using the image, we are asking writers to submit 100-300 words ONLY – no more, no less. Please leave your submission in the comment section at the bottom of the post using this format:

- Penname
- Link to your FFN profile
- Your wonderful 100-300 words

Is this a contest/competition?
No, but we are hoping to inspire words from writers and smiles from readers during this period of social distancing.

So flash us!

Give us some dirty words with a side of sizzle. Make us swoon from sweetness. Or if you love angst, make it hurt so good.

Here’s the prompt I selected for this week. Make sure to incorporate it into your submission:

Happy writing!
~0 0~

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  1. ...I know I'm a day late, buuuuut


    I find the girls down by the sea, water lapping at their toes, sun beaming down on their smiling faces. Heidi and Charlotte are both sunbathing, earbuds in their ears and the faint buzz of music audible even over the ocean. Pulling my Burger Co. tee over my head, I flop down next to my girl.

    Peering out at me from under a very familiar Gators cap, she blushes and slides the sucker she’s working on out of her mouth, lips tinted red by the candy. My mouth gets real dry all of a sudden, my stomach flipping as I imagine other things replacing the pop.

    “Sorry, I...borrowed it,” she says, tapping the peak of my hat.

    “Uh, that’s okay,” I croak, quickly clearing my throat, finally looking out at the sea when she starts messing with her sucker again.

    Since when did candy become so dirty?

    “You want…?” She trails off, confused when my head snaps back because, for a second, I thought I’d said that out loud. But no, she’s offering me a whistle pop like the one between her lips. “Look, you can blow on ‘em and use them as a whistle.”

    Oh, God.

    Before my cargo shorts can tent at the sight of her blowing the damn sucker, I’m up, off the sand, and throwing myself into the cold Atlantic so I don’t completely embarrass myself. When my head breaks the surface and I glance back at the shore, Lakely is grinning.

    1. Ms Lakely is innocent and sassy all at once. ;) Great job!

    2. I love that Arlo is thinking of Lakely as his girl! Makes my heart happy!

  2. ghostreader24

    The waves crashing against the rocks below the pier mix with the shrieks of the kids on the nearby rollercoaster. It’s another scorcher, as we walk along the wooden planks until Em reaches the door of the colorful storefront, and the bell announces our arrival.

    “Welcome to Swan’s Sweet Shop,” Rose says their standard greeting, but her smile widens when she sees Em.

    The rush of cool air as we step inside feels heavenly, but the sight behind the counter is even better. While he drools over the best friend with light purple hair scooping ice cream, I grab a package of saltwater taffy and walk straight toward the cashier where Bella’s sitting on a stool.

    My eyes dance along her sun-kissed legs to her cutoff shorts then over her tight blue polo, giving me a hint of her bikini top hidden from view. I pause at her rosy plump lips while she tortures the ball-shaped candy at the end of the stick. My envy isn’t the only thing growing until there’s a pop grabbing my attention.

    “My eyes are up here, Edward.”

    I’m caught and hope to distract her. “Hey, I like your hair.”

    It’s new—a mix of pink, blue, and purple with long waves resembling cotton candy.

    “Rose did it last night.” Bella smirks, tucking a strand behind her ear.

    “It’s great.”

    “Thanks.” She points at the package I’m holding. “Anything else?”

    Rose sets Em’s order on the counter, and I nod toward the lollipop.

    “What flavor today?”

    Bella’s eyes dance with mischief and winks at Rose, smashing their mouths together. I’m not the only one stunned when Em gasps beside me.

    “Holy shit.”

    Tongues tangle while soft sexy moans escape their lips, until Rose pulls away, grinning at Bella and looks at me.


    My new favorite.

    1. Looks like Em & Co. got a little more than they were expecting. Lol. Hot as always, ghostreader.

    2. Better Edward wasn't expecting that! Neither was I. Good job!

  3. A day late and a dollar short and all that ...


    “Bella!” Charlie bellows, his voice carrying up the stairs. He turns to me and grimaces. “She’ll just be a minute.”

    My reply is a curt smile. We wait awkwardly in the foyer for his wayward daughter.

    I hear her before I see her, Bella’s faint footsteps on the hardwood. She comes into view at the top of the staircase a moment later. Her bare feet pad quietly down the steps, her calves and thighs revealed inch by inch as she descends.

    She’s wearing those damn cut-off shorts again—the ones that don’t completely cover her ass—and from where I stand, I can see she’s not wearing a bra under her tank. But it’s the bright red sucker she’s got between her lips that grabs my attention.

    Judging by the smirk she’s wearing, I’m sure it’s her intention.

    “Yeah, Dad?” She looks from her father to me, but I can’t meet her eyes. Her red-stained mouth is too much of a distraction.

    “Mr. Masen says you parked in his spot again. I need you to move your car.”

    Her brows raise, one a fraction higher than the other and her eyes dancing with mischief. “Oh, I’m so sorry, Mr. Masen. Let me grab my keys.”

    I give a terse nod. “Thanks, Bella.”

    With the sucker back between her lips, she grabs a ring of keys near the front door and slips outside with me trailing right behind her.

    When we’re far enough from the house, I lean in. “You think you’re real cute, don’t you?”

    She looks over her shoulder, slowly removing that damned sucker and winking at me. “I can’t help it if I like to see you squirm every time you have to speak to Charlie.”

    My voice lowers. “We’ll see who’s squirming later.”

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Well played! I hope you keep going with this!
