Saturday, June 10, 2023

TLS Special SNEAK PEEK Feature


The Lemonade Stand has spent so many years bringing you the best the Twilight fandom has to offer, and we are very excited to have the chance to offer you even MORE. We've watched stories grow and develop from first post through COMPLETE, and now we're lucky enough to share previews of the stories that will soon be your new addiction.

This week's feature comes to us from the collaborative efforts of Lily Jill, fanficsR4nerds, and DaniDarlingxx, also know as Nerdy Lil Darlins. They are sharing a preview of their upcoming new fic Taking the Horizon.

banner by DaniDarlingxx

Taking the Horizon
Nerdy Lil Darlins

Summary: ‘For her, the ocean was more than a dream. It was a place she needed to visit to find herself.’ A tale of true friendship, new love, and learning to dance in the waves.


Since the first day they met on the campus of the University of Minnesota in their freshman year, they had always known how to read one another.  Three different girls,  with three different personalities and backgrounds, somehow gifted with understanding each other better than anyone else.  They had been inseparable since that day, the three of them attached at the hip throughout their bumpy, incredible, roller-coaster college years.

And now, it’s over.

This chapter of their lives has officially come to a close.

One week ago, before they boarded a flight to Lighthouse Cove, Maine, they had watched each other walk across the stage at their college graduation.  According to the world around them, they were now fully equipped to begin careers of their choosing.

For the first time in four years, the girls would have to part ways and enter adulthood without the other two by their side. It was a thought that had devastated the three of them, throwing them into a panic about how they could manage without each other. 

“Pick a place,” Bella had said through her tears one night on their couch in their college apartment after too much wine at the realization of their upcoming separation.  “Pick a place and we’ll go there right after graduation.”

“One last hurrah,” Alice had agreed while Rosalie had pulled out her phone to find a destination for the three of them.

Lighthouse Cove off the coast of Maine is what they had landed on, and now, as the sun rises from what seems like the depths of the ocean and covers them all in youth-like warmth, they know this will not be the last time they experience this together.

“It has to be an annual thing,” Rosalie says. “Every year we need to come back here.”

The pull of the horizon, the promise of endless possibilities, and a blank slate for them all to write their own stories upon, leaves them all in quiet reflection.

“I don’t want to leave,” Bella sighs, lifting her head into the sunlight and letting it sink into her skin. There is still a morning chill in the air, as it is the middle of May and not quite summer season yet, but it warms her nonetheless.

“I agree with Rose,” Alice says. “With you too, Bella. We might not be able to stay here now, but we’ll visit every summer. And instead of one week, we’ll make it two.”

“Aren’t you getting married in the next year?” Rosalie asks with a laugh.

“Yeah, but that won’t matter. Peter knows how important you two are to me,” Alice answers back, unable to keep the smile off her face as she thinks of her fiancé.

“He’s a good guy,” Bella says thoughtfully. “I’m happy for you.”

“When you know, you know,” Alice replies, not for a single second regretting the idea of settling down at the young age of twenty-two. “Sometimes life is too short to think and wonder if every move you make is the right one.”

“Now is the time for mistakes then?” Rosalie jokes.

“Maybe,” Alice laughs with a shake of her head. She shrugs. “The last four years were meant to be the years we find out who we are. We’re college graduates now, ladies.”

“So what’s next?” Bella asks.

Alice giggles and reaches for her coffee again. “Fuck if I know. Maybe figure out this whole adult thing. Learn to make money and save it.”

“Or fall in love,” Rosalie finishes, memories of the handsome, quick-witted gentleman she had spent entire nights talking to during her last trip scouting apartments.

“Or travel the world,” Bella adds. She points to the horizon once more, and it might as well be the rest of the world for all they can see. “It’s ours for the taking.”


Put Nerdy Lil Darlins on Alert so you don't miss out! Taking the Horizon begins posting on June 16.

1 comment:

  1. My kinda story, ladies. I’m looking forward to seeing where you take us with this one. :)
