Saturday, December 3, 2022

TLS Special SNEAK PEEK Feature

The Lemonade Stand has spent so many years bringing you the best the Twilight fandom has to offer, and we are very excited to have the chance to offer you even MORE. We've watched stories grow and develop from first post through COMPLETE, and now we're lucky enough to share previews of the stories that will soon be your new addiction.

For this week's feature, we have samviolawrites, author of the recently completed fic Pretend for Me and the current wip collab, The Code of the Swan.  She's sharing an excerpt of her upcoming new fic Swan Dive. 

banner by Lizzie Paige

Swan Dive

Summary: A girl from the Upper East Side, trying to recover from her fall from grace, meets a man in a bar in Brooklyn, one whose lifestyle couldn’t be more different. Is it possible to put the past behind you when your name and face are recognizable everywhere you go? Bella sure hopes so because for once in her life, she's found a man she wants and she’s not letting go without a fight.


All my life, I’d done what was expected of me. I went through the prep schools, attended charity galas, and then when I was old enough, I modeled for the Who’s Who, having dinner and making connections with whomever my mother deemed best. 

I was flying high off of the money, the fame, the status. That was until it all came crashing down with one wrong move. There was no forgiveness. Nobody looked at everything I’d done right, but then again, had I done anything right in my twenty-five years?

The problem about being up so high was the only direction to go was down. Based on the fact that I was lost in the streets of Brooklyn, I'd finally reached rock bottom. 

His footsteps echoed off the pavement, and I could tell that he’d picked up his pace, moving on from walking to jogging behind me. However, I was fast even in my four-inch heels, so I sped along, hoping to keep some distance between us. For both of our sanities. I’d never felt a connection with someone so quickly and so intensely. If I dared to want him, what would that mean?

Our worlds were so different. His was Brooklyn and a bar. Mine was Barneys and baguettes. We might as well be oil and water—two things that just can’t mix. Except I wanted to see if I could shake things up enough to try. 

My steps slowed as I decided it was time to finally stop running. From this man. From the things haunting my past. From myself. I turned to face him and said his voice in a whisper. “Edward.” I was unsure what to say next, how to put into words all the thoughts swirling in my head.

I paused and found this gorgeous creature looking at me, looking at me like he really saw me and not just my beauty.

Edward was a ruggedly handsome, green-eyed man. A man who had no clue who I was or what I’d done. Or at least I hoped he didn’t. Throughout our conversation at the bar, he never let on that he’d heard my name, knew who my family was, or why I’d been ostracized. To him, I was just Bella, and it was liberating. To finally be myself, and to not worry about being judged.
Taking in the yearning in his eyes, I decided at that moment that if he wanted me enough to chase me down the streets of Brooklyn for an opportunity for more, then I could want something too…

I started walking toward him to close the gap, to see where this could take us. Maybe we didn’t have to be the girl from the Upper East Side, trying to recover from her fall from grace, and the man from a bar in Brooklyn, whose lifestyle couldn’t have been more different. Maybe we could just be and see how it went. I’d never know unless I tried, right?

I mean, I was famous for my swan dives—what was one more? 

Who knows, maybe this was not only what I wanted but what I needed.


Remember to put samviolawrites on alert. Swan Dive will begin posting soon. 

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