Saturday, September 24, 2022

TLS Special SNEAK PEEK Feature


The Lemonade Stand has spent so many years bringing you the best the Twilight fandom has to offer, and we are very excited to have the chance to offer you even MORE. We've watched stories grow and develop from first post through COMPLETE, and now we're lucky enough to share previews of the stories that will soon be your new addiction.

This week we are featuring Saritadreaming, author of  A Measure of Grace, I Saw You Coming and Speak Now. She’s sharing a sneak from her upcoming fic Animal.

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Summary: Edward is relieved when an old college buddy becomes the silent partner in his struggling tattoo business.  He’s happy when Jimmy moves to town with his girlfriend and becomes part of everyday life.  But Jimmy has secrets, and Bella has bruises.  AH, ExB, Angst/Drama/Romance, Drabble *Trigger Warning*


The steady chop of an axe draws me behind the house.  Jimmy is working near a small shed, chopping and stacking firewood.  He's shirtless and sweaty.  The steady way he keeps arcing the axe—jaw tight, eyes intense—makes me wonder what demons he’s trying to exorcize.

When I call out his name, his head whips my way, the look in his light brown eyes almost savage.  My heart beats faster for a few seconds.  He embeds the axe in a stump and smiles at me, all trace of whatever I just witnessed gone.

He holds his arms out wide.  “Welcome to my humble abode!  It needs some maintenance, but it’s going to be a perfect haven.”

“It’s great!” I glance around.  Up close, it’s obvious the house could use a coat of paint, but the roof looks solid.  Some of the outbuildings in the distance are sagging a bit but still look serviceable.  “What can I do to help?”

I end up stripping off my shirt and using the ride-on mower to cut the lawn.  I start with the front yard and continue halfway into the field behind the shed.  After a few hours, my ass hurts, and my arms are tingling.  I turn the mower off and use my shirt to mop the sweat off my face.

Jimmy brings out a six-pack of beer.  Condensation beads on the brown bottles, some of it dripping off.  I can’t remember the last time a beer looked so appealing.  He hands me one, and I drink half of it in one go.  “Shit—that’s good!”

Jimmy grins. “There’s nothing like a cold drink after some manual labor!”

We drag an old wooden picnic table and barbecue grill out of the shed.  There’s a small market a few miles away, so we take a ride there to pick up some steaks, fresh corn, and a propane refill.

Jimmy grills the food, a beer in one hand.  The sun sits low, sending streaks of pink across the cloud dotted sky.  I relax, enjoying our easy friendship.  It’s like no time has passed at all.

When I’m halfway through my steak, Jimmy tilts his head, watching me with one of his intense gazes. “Why are you alone?”

I’m taken aback, and I must admit to feeling a bit defensive.  I shrug.  “I don’t fucking know, man.”

He smiles.  “That, my friend, is a bullshit answer.”

I close my eyes and blurt out my fear.  “I think there’s something wrong with me, Jim.”

“Do you want to find that special someone?”

“Yeah.  Maybe I’m too picky or something.”

Jimmy shakes his head. “No.  When you least expect it . . . boom!  It's like being hit by a meteor.  Totally decimates everything you thought you knew.”

Well, now I know I haven't met the one yet.  Nothing remotely like that has ever happened to me.

Jimmy's phone vibrates, and his eyes light up.  "Hey, babe! . . . I miss you too . . . I'm sitting in our backyard with my buddy.  We grilled some steaks, and we're knocking back a few cold ones.  Say hello to Edward."  Jimmy puts the phone on speaker.

"Hi, Edward."

"Hi . . . um . . ." I realize Jimmy never told me his girl’s name.



Emmett turns and gravitates toward Rose, giving me a view of the other person in the room.

She’s fair-skinned with long, chestnut waves and feminine curves.  Soulful brown eyes meet mine, and my breath hitches.  She smiles shyly, a blush staining her cheeks.  My heart starts beating harder, and something inside me stirs.

Is it possible Jimmy is already making good on his promise to find a match for me?  I haven’t been instantly attracted to anyone in a long time.

“Hey” is what comes out of my mouth as my feet propel me in her direction.

“You must be Edward.” She steps forward and takes my hand, looking up at me.  A cute smattering of freckles dusts her nose and cheeks.  “Jim’s told me so much about you.”  There’s something so familiar about her voice.

Jimmy comes to stand next to us, placing his arm around her shoulders.  “I’m so excited for two of my favorite people to finally meet.”  He looks toward Emmett and Rose.  “You already met Emmett.  Edward, Rose, I’d like you to introduce you to my girlfriend Bella.”

The smile freezes on my face.  I release the soft, warm hand that feels so good in mine and pray that my expression doesn’t give away the shock I'm feeling.


Be sure to put Saritadreaming on alert so you don’t miss out. Animal begins posting on October 1. 

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