Monday, August 29, 2022

What we're reading this week:

Let’s jump start your Monday with some Lemonade! Get cozy and dig in to these delicious choices. Be sure to let the author know where you saw their story featured and leave them some love. Enjoy! 

♥ Six

Adult Swim by StarryBlueEyes
In this heat wave, Bella can’t stand the temptation to take a dip. Especially when Edward Cullen is the lifeguard on duty. AH, AU, Canon Couples. Rated M

Bad Habits by DazzlinSparkle05
They say every pure intention ends when the good times start. Bella knew Edward’s intentions were anything put pure when they started whatever this was. AH, AU FWard. Rated M

Diary of an Ugly Girl by Anton M
Follow Bella as she grows from a bullied little girl into a sassy young woman. After all, it's not about what you're looking at, it's about what you see. An unorthodox story about best friends and their journey. Rated M

Ferns by EvieBaby
Edward is dismayed to discover that prior to her transformation, Bella’s active imagination had been brimming with all kinds of fantasies starring her vampire boyfriend. And now that she can lower her shield and send him her thoughts, those images are in his head too. (Lemons, angst, and fluff. EPOV companion fic to Springtime Dreams.) Rated M

Freddie by Saritadreaming
1. Be professional at work. 2. Keep the secret. 3. Don’t get attached. 4. Meet only at the loft. 5. Absolutely no sleepovers. Those are the rules I must follow if I want to continue y affair with Dr. Masen, but it’s becoming impossible to handle rules three and five. Edward Masen is my heroin. Do I even want a cure? Nursella/Doctorward FIRST PLACE VOTER’S PICK BODICE RIPPERS Rated M

Listen With Your Heart by A.L. Rules
The most important conversations in life are felt, not heard. Be sure to listen with your heart. Rated M

Orlay by mortissues
Is fate immutable? Or can she stretch, like taffy, to keep you in her clutches? This is Twilight. All the right people. In all the right places. Just not at the right time. When Edward is a little late, or Bella is a little early . . . Rated M 

Pretend for Me by samviolawrites
They've been connected since they were four years old, each other's constant companion and protector throughout foster homes. Years later, Edward has turned into everything he swore he wouldn't become. Bella can't reconcile the man he is now with the wild-haired boy, so she runs off into the night. Can they find their way back together without pretending? Rated M

The Reprisal Game by NightBloomingPeony
Ignorance is bliss, they say. Edward and Bella are best friends, but when they discover that their partners have been cheating on them with each other all along, they know they cannot go back to the bliss of not knowing better. With forgiveness out of the question, a reprisal is in order. But their deeply unorthodox, deeply sinful revenge might just set them on a path to get more. Rated M

Two Side of the Same Coin by Swanderful
After the tragic death of his wife, Edward is struggling to move forward with his life. When something unexpected happens, he must face ghosts of the past to untangle a mystery. What will life be like when the dust settles? AH Rated M

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