Saturday, July 9, 2022

TLS Special SNEAK PEEK Feature

The Lemonade Stand has spent so many years bringing you the best the Twilight fandom has to offer, and we are very excited to have the chance to offer you even MORE. We've watched stories grow and develop from first post through COMPLETE, and now we're lucky enough to share previews of the stories that will soon be your new addiction.

Today's feature is MeteorOnAMoonlessNight, author of fandom favorites like Without Wings, Fallen Angel, Devil Incarnate, and Seismic Shift.  We’re excited to share an excerpt from her new upcoming fic Fire in the Water.

banner by PearlyFox

Fire In The Water 

Summary: The ocean gives, but it also takes away. Knowledge is the same. Because once you know, the opportunity for ignorance is over, and you can no longer outrun the truth. When a handsome stranger shows up at Bella’s bookstore, she can't overlook the guarded expression in his eyes. Soon, her predictable small-town life will be unrecognizable. 


This all began with a simple post that looks like it came from Tumblr. It reads:

'Oh, to be the owner of a small bookshop on a cobblestone street with roses climbing the side of the building, where books are stacked about in piles and there's always coffee brewing and a sleepy dog lifts his head at the sound of the door's bell and thumps his tail against the hardwood.'

My Facebook group helped me flesh out the rest, suggesting the small fishing town of Port Townsend, Washington. A shy Edward reticent to make friends, who owns a black lab and has just moved to town. Add in a Bella who's smart and a bit sassy, with a black cat and a book store that always has a pot of coffee and a plate of snickerdoodles ready for her customers. Edward goes by Ward, a man with more than a few secrets who wants the sense of community Bella clearly enjoys, but is afraid to reach out and take it.


“As long as your dog doesn’t lift his leg on my books, he can come in.”

The feminine voice startled me, and I jerked my head in her direction. I wished I could have been witty in response, but instead I gaped. Deep chocolate brown hair pulled up under a red bandana, a black shirt under ripped overalls, red chucks, and a beguiling smile . . . that’s what greeted me in the doorway as I found my tongue.

“Well, he’s a she, and she’d never think to defile a book.”

“Then you’re both welcome inside.”

Tentatively, I stepped over the threshold. The cat bolted to the cash register, and I couldn't resist petting it. “What’s its name?”

“That’s Charlie. He welcomes everyone to Bookish."

Charlie gave me a headbutt and blinked inquisitive green eyes at me. It was impossible to resist his softness, so I didn't. 

"What’s this girl’s name?”

“Heidi.” At her name, her butt dropped to the scuffed wooden floors, and she held out a paw.

“Isn't that a pretty trick, Heidi?” The woman squatted, shaking Heidi’s paw and rubbing her ears. “And you?”

Me? What about me? “Uh, my name’s Ward.”

“Nice to meet you, Ward. I’m Bella.”

My mouth watered, but it was definitely because of the scent of brewing coffee.

She stroked slender fingers along the cat's back, causing him to arch and purr. "Can I get you some coffee? Cookies?"

"I wasn't planning on staying." Fuck, her eyes were captivating. I saw the amusement, the openness. The ease with strangers necessary for her occupation. 

"I won't force you to stay."


Fire in The Water begins posting on July 12, 2022.
 Remember to put MeteorOnAMoonlessNight on alert so you don't miss out!


  1. Really looking forward to reading this one, Lara.

  2. This one sounds like a really good read. (like all your stories-lol) But maybe you won't give us a heart attack with this one?? 🥰
