Saturday, July 2, 2022

TLS Special SNEAK PEEK Feature


The Lemonade Stand has spent so many years bringing you the best the Twilight fandom has to offer, and we are very excited to have the chance to offer you even MORE. We've watched stories grow and develop from first post through COMPLETE, and now we're lucky enough to share previews of the stories that will soon be your new addiction.

This week our feature is the talented iambeagle, author of fandom favs such as From the Ground UpBetween Love and HateShiverThe Procedure, and Don't Delete the Kisses. She's sharing an excerpt of her upcoming fic In Another Life.

banner by LizziePaige

In Another Life

Summary: He’s someone else’s husband, and that alone should end all of my thoughts about Edward Cullen.

Snippet from chapter 3: 

“So, that was awkward,” I say as I crawl into bed next to Jared.

He’s on his phone, responding to an email. “What was?” he asks, typing away.

I rub lotion on my arms. “Edward and Gianna arguing like that.”

“Oh. I guess.”

“You didn’t think so?” I push.

“I don’t know. I’m not trying to get in the middle of it,” Jared says absently.

“I’m not either. Just thought it was strange, is all. They don’t bicker like that in front of us.”


I can tell he’s not listening, and he doesn’t want to talk about this anymore. I don’t even know why I want to dissect it, really. It’s not like it was a huge blow-up fight or anything, but still. 

I know no marriage is perfect, but I never really got the vibe that Edward and Gianna had any problems whatsoever. Both are generally mild-mannered. They’re also not grotesquely affectionate with one another in public. They’re the type of easygoing couple who can fit in with anyone. 

That’s not to say they blend in, though. They stand out. They’re both striking in their looks. Gianna, with her glossy dark hair, naturally tan skin, and slender figure. Edward with his… well, everything, I guess. His sharp jaw. His intense, green eyes. His hair is a wreck most days, but it works well. Doesn’t matter if he’s going to the store or attending an event, his hair is chaotic, but it’s him. 

If I’m being honest, there’s been an attraction there since day one. I’d have to be blind to not admit that. The attraction for him doesn’t just stop at his looks, though. He’s dynamic. Funny. He’s rugged but in an understated way. He’s genuine and a talented author. A good father and a—

Loving husband.

He’s someone else’s husband, and that alone should end all of my thoughts about Edward.

But I’m human.

And Edward is too goddamn handsome for me not to notice.

Remember to put iambeagle on alert. In Another Life begins posting on Tuesday, July 5, 2022. 


  1. This looks fantastic! Excited to read this one!

  2. Looks so good and I can’t wait to see it post. I’m gonna read as a WIP so waiting for the next chapter each week is gonna be hard.

  3. That was not supposed to be anonymous!!

    1. I was like wow that is a SUPER nice anon! hahah glad you'll be reading it as a WIP, lady! <3

  4. Is this just a bpov? Or does it alternate?!

    1. It won't alternate but I will have some EPOV chapters thrown in here and there!

  5. I LOVE everything you write!
    So excited for this…cannot wait!! Thank you!😁

  6. This is really exciting to have another story from one of the best!!! Can't wait!

  7. I'm already hooked. Not a surprise, though. I always love your word!

  8. I just finished From the Ground Up (LOVED IT) Ooh, I can't wait to read this one.

  9. Cannot wait! You write you the most interesting and best E&B fics. Loved, loved From the Ground Up and I know this will be fabulous as well.
