Saturday, April 23, 2022

TLS Special SNEAK PEEK Feature


The Lemonade Stand has spent so many years bringing you the best the Twilight fandom has to offer, and we are very excited to have the chance to offer you even MORE. We've watched stories grow and develop from first post through COMPLETE, and now we're lucky enough to share previews of the stories that will soon be your new addiction.

Today we are featuring the talented writer, MeteorOnAMoonlessNight. Her stories Fallen Angel, Devil Incarnate, Malicious Compliance, and Seismic Shift have often been featured on the TLS Rec List. We are excited to share an exclusive peek of her newest fic, Without Wings, which is the next fic in the Fallen series.

banner by PearlyFox

Without Wings

He's been missing for 3 years. Now we finally have a target. For him... we will be the ones to burn the world to the ground to get him back. Time to suit up again.


At the end of Devil Incarnate, Quinn was married to Layla, Jake and Leah's oldest daughter, and they had a baby girl named Aerinn. Four years later, Bella and Edward are now grandparents navigating an empty house, trying to enjoy the peace they worked so hard toward and ignore the elephant in the room.

"I have a missed call from James Holden," Edward commented, scrolling through his phone. “Must have been while I was in the shower.”

“What could he—” The serving spoon in Bella’s hand clattered to the plate. “No.” Sitting back heavily, she stared up at Edward with her hand over her mouth.

"Tyler," Edward said calmly. "Please take Aerinn to the kitchen."

"Sure thing, boss. Come on, little bit, you can help me squeeze the orange juice."

Pale and frozen, Layla stood behind her chair, white knuckling the back of it and saying nothing. Bella couldn't help noticing that she trembled.

"First, let me call him back. Then we can decide if we should get upset." Edward had somehow always been able to remain calm in emergencies, a talent Bella envied greatly. 

"He's retired," Layla agreed in a monotone. "It can't mean anything."

"Sit before your legs give out," Edward ordered. Bringing the phone to his ear, he spoke into it. "Holden, it’s Cullen."

Bella bit her lip, trying to hear what James had to say. Layla obeyed Edward’s command, sinking into the dining room chair. Bella reached over and gripped her icy hand.

"That's the dumbest fucking thing I've heard in my life," he barked. 

A quaking began low in Bella’s spine, working its way up until her teeth rattled.

Nearly throwing the phone down, he mashed the screen with his thumb. "Say it again, Holden. Tell Quinn’s wife and mother why he won't be coming home."

Whatever strength she'd clung to had left her, and Bella dropped her head to the table with a sob.


Without Wings begins posting on April 27. Be sure to put MeteorOnAMoonlessNight on alert so you don't miss out!


  1. Sssqqqquuueee!!!!!!!! As soon as she said there would be a follow up to "Devil Incarnate" I couldn't wait!!!
    So looking forward to sinking my teeth into this family again! :)

  2. EEEEEEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited for this!!!!! Even though my heart is already in my throat, knowing something horrible has happened with Quinn. Is it Wednesday yet? <3

  3. It's going to be awesome! Trust me. 😁
