Saturday, March 19, 2022

TLS Special SNEAK PEEK Feature

The Lemonade Stand has spent so many years bringing you the best the Twilight fandom has to offer, and we are very excited to have the chance to offer you even MORE. We've watched stories grow and develop from first post through COMPLETE, and now we're lucky enough to share previews of the stories that will soon be your new addiction.

This week we are so excited to feature Pandora-s-Box-Is-Heavy, author of My Vampire Nanny, Marlay's Mother and The Hermit and The Hunk. She's sharing a chapter of her upcoming new fic, Culinary Operations.

banner by JA Mash

Culinary Operations
Pandora's Box is Heavy

Summary: Culinary operations is supposed to be fun but being paired with someone who hates her has new girl Bella Swan wondering if they will survive the class without getting burned.


"Edward Cullen is staring at you," Jessica whispers scandalously as she takes the seat across from me.

I pop a grape in my mouth and roll my eyes. She doesn't have to tell me what I already know. I can practically feel the heat of his glare as if he's attempting to bore a hole in the side of my face, using only his mind.

Angela laughs and bumps shoulders with me. "I take it he still hasn't forgiven you for last week's accident yet."

I sniff indignantly. "You'd think I keyed his fancy car or something. I was definitely more affected than he was." I hold up my left hand, the one encased in aqua blue plaster.

"Bella, you practically bowled him over because of a little blood. I heard he almost got a concussion," Jessica reminds me.

"I didn't mean to. How was I supposed to know that the freshness seal on that jar would be so sharp?"

Last Thursday was the single most embarrassing day of my entire existence. If I could go back, I would have gladly skipped and taken the failing grade for the lab. It would have saved us all a lot of trouble. But if you really think about it. It wasn't entirely my fault.

The second the foil sliced through my pointer finger, I tried to warn my partner, but Cullen spends ninety-five percent of his time ignoring my existence. He has since the day we met and only acknowledges me when it's absolutely necessary, and even then, it's stunted and the bare minimum.

If anything, it's his fault for ignoring me. The second the scent of blood hit my nose, I went down like a sack of potatoes, and in my scramble for something to hold on to, I took him down with me.

I came to as they were loading me into the back of the ambulance, and I saw him glaring at me across the parking lot as a paramedic looked him over. We were both covered in the ranch dressing we were preparing for the teacher appreciation dinner the program was hosting that night.

Who knew choosing culinary operations as an elective when I moved here would be so fraught with peril?


Remember to put Pandora-s-Box-Is-Heavy on alert so you don’t miss out on this one! Culinary Operations will begin posting soon.