Saturday, February 19, 2022

TLS Special SNEAK PEEK Feature


The Lemonade Stand has spent so many years bringing you the best the Twilight fandom has to offer, and we are very excited to have the chance to offer you even MORE. We've watched stories grow and develop from first post through COMPLETE, and now we're lucky enough to share previews of the stories that will soon be your new addiction.

This week we are excited to feature Hopesparkles, author of  He Came Along, From This Day Forward, and A Hope Renewed.  She's sharing an excerpt of her upcoming fic Life's a Drag. 

banner by Sunshine1220

Life's a Drag

Summary: “You want me to put my what where?” Struggling to make ends meet, Edward takes the advice of his well-meaning roommate and winds up doing something he’d never dreamed he’d be doing. He finds out pretty quickly, even when the money is good, sometimes what you need in life and what you want in life are two very different things. Sometimes life’s a drag. 


“Holy shit.  You’re Edward, aren’t you?”  

I nodded, afraid that if I spoke my voice would crack like a pre-pubescent boy.  I watched as she lifted her phone, swiping across the screen and pressing it to her ear. 

“Where did you find this one, James?  She’s stunningly beautiful and if you want her, I want the extra ten percent.”  She pointed at a stool, indicating I should sit.  Once settled, she stepped between my spread knees and pressed her fingers under my chin, tilting my head up as she mouthed “Smile at me.”

I crossed my arms, relaxing and offering her the slow sideways grin that always worked for me. She sucked in a quick breath and muttered, “Damn. Make that fifteen percent.  She’s lethal.  When Kickstand sees her, he’ll hand over his savings, retirement, and probably take out a second mortgage. You’ll get her in two weeks.”

She ended the call and dropped her phone on the counter before turning back to me, her eyes shrewdly examining every angle of my face.  It was unnerving and more than a little arousing.  My hands were flat against the tops of my thighs, and I slid them to my knees where I squeezed them into fists to keep from touching her.  Somehow, I didn’t think that would go over too well.

“So, you’re Isabella Swan?”

She nodded but didn’t say a word.

“But you-you’re a woman,” I stammered, knowing I sounded like an idiot.

“Yes.” She smiled.  “At least I was last time I checked.”  Her expression changed then, her eyes appraising as she took a couple of steps toward me.  “You were expecting a queen, weren’t you?”

“Maybe.  I don’t know,” I sighed.  “I’ve been thrown into some crazy shit today and I’m a little overwhelmed.”  It was obvious that James had called as he said he would, so she already knew why I had come to her.  “You know why I’m here?  And did you just call me she?”

She laughed and I couldn’t help but smile at her as she met my eyes.  “You’ve never let her out before, have you?”


“I have a feeling the queen inside you is going to rule over us all.”

I watched as she reached for the box on the counter, pulling it closer and opening it.  “This will get you started.”  Lifting a couple of bottles and a jar, she held them up in turn.  “These are for your skincare.  This is your cleanser, this one is toner, and this one,” -she opened the jar-, “is moisturizer.”  She swirled her fingers over the top of the jar, held them up and asked, “May I?”

I swallowed hard and nodded.  This could be bad.

Or oh, so good.

Her fingers were warm as they stroked my cheeks and forehead, rubbing gentle circles as I closed my eyes, trying my hardest not to put my hands on her waist and pull her closer.  I’m sure I heard her release a stuttering breath as she turned and put the lid on the jar and set the items back in the box.

Stepping back, she pulled something from her pocket, handed me a notepad and pen, and took a deep breath as she met my eyes.  “We’ll be spending a lot of time together over the next couple of weeks, Edward.  I’ll show you everything, send you home with instructions in case you forget, and you’ll have homework every day.  Today will be easy.  I’ll take measurements, some photos, and show you some basics that you’ll need to work on tonight.”

I chuckled nervously. “Sounds like a plan.”

Isabella indicated I should stand and follow her toward the photography area where she pulled out a short ladder and stepped up, raising her almost to my height.  Opening her hand, she stretched out a measuring tape and wrapped it around the crown of my head.  Her face couldn’t have been more than a foot from my own and I took a moment to study her.  She had a light dusting of freckles across her nose and her eyes were a deep, chocolate brown.  Her teeth pulled at her bottom lip, and I found myself mesmerized.

“Edward,” she called, and my eyes snapped up to hers.  I was weirdly happy to be caught looking at her mouth and not her tits, especially if we were going to be seeing that much of each other.  Definitely wouldn’t be off to a good start.  Her brow lifted in question.

“I’m sorry, Isabella.  What did you say?”

“Please call me Bella.  I asked you to write down the numbers when I call them out.”

I did as she asked, and other than her soft voice calling out random body parts and numbers, we were silent.

I swear to God I didn’t know how much more I could take.  Everywhere she touched was like a flame lighting my skin.  When she pushed the stool aside and knelt in front of me, asking me to widen my stance, I had to close my eyes in self-preservation.  Her fingers were trembling as she pressed the tape to the top of my inseam while my head was screaming, begging.  Oh God, please move your finger to the left!

I pressed my fist to my lips to keep the words from coming out of my mouth.

My cock was practically gnawing at my zipper to get to her.  I knew it.  She knew it.  And if I didn’t get out of here soon, my traitorous dick would ruin everything.


Be sure to put Hopesparkles on alert. Life's a Drag will begin posting mid to late March. 


  1. I'm really excited for this to begin!

  2. OMG, this is different. I cant wait to see how Edward pulls this off.

  3. This is going to be so good! It’s refreshing to have something different to read. Looking forward to this one!

  4. Lordamercy, Bella's right that 'she's' gonna be the death of us all and I, for one, can't wait!
