Saturday, January 8, 2022

TLS Special SNEAK PEEK Feature


The Lemonade Stand has spent so many years bringing you the best the Twilight fandom has to offer, and we are very excited to have the chance to offer you even MORE. We've watched stories grow and develop from first post through COMPLETE, and now we're lucky enough to share previews of the stories that will soon be your new addiction.

This week our feature is the talented iambeagle, author of fandom favs Between Love and HateShiverThe Procedure, and Don't Delete the Kisses. She's sharing an excerpt of her upcoming fic From the Ground Up.

banner by LizziePaige

From the Ground Up

Summary: When faced with betrayal, Edward is forced to rebuild his life, but that's easier said than done once he realizes he’s stuck between his past and his present.

X ~ X ~ X

--Teaser is from chapter 2:

“So, what do you do?” Bella asks.

It’s late—after midnight. The moon is high, and the pool is glowing. We’re a few more beers in, sitting side by side, our bare feet in the water as we learn about one another.

I know she’s from Eastern Washington. Her parents are hop farmers, but she moved to Seattle on her own at nineteen. I know what her favorite movie is, that the four delicate birds tattooed along the inside of her wrist represent her family, and even though she’s slightly allergic to dogs, she just can’t help but love on them whenever they’re near.

I find her interesting and enjoy listening to her talk. There’s a genuine air about her that makes me feel comfortable. 

A light inside the house switches off and it catches my attention. 

Jasper and Lauren swam for a bit then disappeared inside the house half an hour ago. I'm pretty sure I know what they’re doing.

It’s what I think about when Bella touches my inked arm, or when her skirt rides up a bit like it is now. It’s what I’ve been thinking about since Lauren said we can crash here for the night if we want.

Bella thanked her. I stayed quiet, weighing my options. 

When I drove here from the bar earlier, I was only a few beers in. Now I’m a few more beers in, and thanks to Jasper’s insistence, two whiskey shots as well.

I’m fucking beat. I have work tomorrow. Today. In seven hours. I could easily head inside and pass out on the couch, which would kill my back. But I’m not about to leave Bella or end the night. Not yet. Not while everything feels so good and easy.

I’m taking my time and feeling this out. I don’t wanna make a move and get shot down. But I also don’t want to miss an opportunity.

This is why I don’t date. Or hook up or… whatever. I get in my head. I’m too old for this shit. 

Bella gently kicks the water with her feet, grabbing my attention.

She’s staring. Waiting.

“I work in commercial construction,” I finally tell her. “That’s how Jas and I met.” 

“I bet you look really cute in a hard hat.”

I pull on the back of my neck and duck my head. “I dunno.”

“Shut up. Yes, you do know. And I already know how good you look in your Timberlands, so…” She smirks. “Do you wear those to work?”

“Not those,” I say, nodding toward the boots that are on the pavement next to me, socks stuffed inside. “My work boots are the exact same but, uh, dirtier.”

“I’ll bet they are.” There’s a fucking gleam in her eyes. “So, do you like it?” she asks. “I mean, what exactly do you do, anyway? I don’t know much about construction, but that sounds pretty broad.”

“I don’t think anyone’s ever asked me that before,” I reply.

“No one’s ever asked what you do?” she asks with a teasing tone.

“I just mean most people don’t want me to expand after I say I’m in construction,” I clarify. “I do masonry work.”

She thinks about this and takes a long pull from her beer. “Like, a bricklayer?”

“Not just laying bricks. I work with all kinds of materials, but yeah. I like it,” I continue. “I’m good at it, I guess. Patient, but I work fast. I like the repetition of it and being able to move and do stuff with my hands. I could never sit behind a desk, or be inside, for eight hours a day.” She’s quiet, but it doesn’t feel awkward. “It’s exhausting, but…” I finish off my beer. “What do you do? You mentioned a salon or something back at the bar.”

She dips a hand in the pool, swirls it around, then wipes the water on her thigh. I stare at those droplets while she speaks.

“I’m a hairdresser. That’s actually how I met Jasper,” she says, kind of amused. “I cut his hair. Or used to. He hasn’t been by in a while, the fucking scrub.”

It makes sense why earlier she was fussing with his hair and giving him shit for not calling.

I was so off.

I laugh about it now.

“What?” she asks, bumping my shoulder with hers.

“When you first came to our table earlier, I thought you and Jasper had hooked up or something.”

She pulls a face. “He’s nice and all, but… no. He’s kind of a pretty boy. I’m not really into that. To be honest, if I hadn’t seen you sitting there with him, I probably wouldn’t have even gone over to say hi.”

This shuts me up. “Really?” 


I look at her. “So, you only came over because of me?” 

She grins. “That’s what I’m saying, Edward.”

I don’t know why, but I like that she says my name.

“Wow,” I muse.

She pulls her feet out of the water, her legs tan and her toes painted white. “Wow, what?” 

“I'm just… I’m fucking flattered.”

Her bottom lip is between her teeth, like she’s fighting a smile. “You are?”

“Look at you,” I murmur, bold from booze. “You’re so fucking…”

She leans closer. “What?”

I shake my head, laughing once. “C’mon. You already know.”

“Maybe I do. Or maybe I wanna hear it from you,” she teases, just like she has been. With the looks and the subtle touches. The tiny skirt and the flirting. 

“What do you wanna hear?” I ask quietly. 

X ~ X ~ X

Remember to put iambeagle on alert so you don't miss out! From the Ground Up will begin posting on Monday, January 10th.