Saturday, October 9, 2021

TLS Special SNEAK PEEK Feature


The Lemonade Stand has spent so many years bringing you the best the Twilight fandom has to offer, and we are very excited to have the chance to offer you even MORE. We've watched stories grow and develop from first post through COMPLETE, and now we're lucky enough to share previews of the stories that will soon be your new addiction.

Today's feature comes to us from cullenlvr83, author of Il Dottore Della Mafia, Piano Man and The Orphan. She's giving us a preview from her upcoming fic Call me Crazy.

Banner by PearlyFox

Call me Crazy

Summary: Being the new kid at school is never easy, but showing up in a small town with a traumatic past is even worse. Bella hears the talk, the gossip, the rumors—but they have no idea what really happened, or what goes on inside her head. When Edward Cullen takes a special interest in Forks High’s newest arrival can she silence the voices in her head telling her all men are the same. Angst, triggering material, dark themes.


I was in purgatory. Well, maybe that was a little dramatic, but somehow, I knew that 11th grade geometry had to be in one of the circles of hell that Dante was always talking about. I had to take this class as a high school senior because I had missed it last school year. I had gotten pulled out of school halfway through the semester because of extenuating circumstances, so now I was playing catch up.

I was now living with my dad, Charlie. He was all right, but I was just looking to do my time before I could finish high school and get the hell out of this town, maybe even this state. As much as this town sucked I was just glad to be away from my bitch of a mom. What had happened was all her fault anyway. I huffed and shook my head, derailing that train of thought. My therapist said I was deflecting, but he could kiss my ass. I wasn’t going to talk or think about it.

The popular theory among the student body was that I had been in a mental institution and my mom refused to take me back when I got out, so they shipped me off to my cop father. Honestly, sometimes I thought that was a better option than the truth. I tucked a lock of my purple hair behind my ear as the bell signaling the end of the period rang. It startled me and some students snickered. Assholes.

I was only halfway through the day and I already was considering getting ahold of one of my dad’s guns to just put my suffering to an end. This was one of those towns that made you have flashbacks of Stepford wives. All the kids in this high school had grown up together and have been in the same classes year after year. Most of the girls would find some loser in this town to marry, get pregnant, be perfect wives until they found out their husband was cheating on them with their secretary that was fifteen years his junior, get divorced, and become bitter old women. No fucking thank you to that.

I was in the last class of the day when I found something that might make this town interesting. He was tall and toned, not bulky, but there was definition there. His face was angular—firm jaw, straight nose, and defined cheekbones. His eyes were green, framed by dark long lashes that women would kill for. He was fucking delicious. He locked eyes with me, and then a slow crooked smile broke out on his face. Game on.

His friend playfully nudged him and turned to me after they both sat in front of me. “You must be the new girl. I would remember a pretty thing like you.”

I gave him my best flirty smile and nodded. “You’re not too bad yourself, handsome. My name is—”

“Isabella Swan,” the teacher intoned. I hadn’t even realized he had been calling roll.

“It’s just Bella,” I said out loud. I could kill my parents for naming me Isabella. I had been correcting teachers all day long. The teacher barely looked my way before continuing with his attendance, so I rolled my eyes.

“Well, just Bella. My name is Emmett,” he said, smiling, showing two perfect dimples. I found myself grinning back at him. Emmett kicked his friend’s foot. “Dude, stop being an ass, introduce yourself. I apologize, Bella, he is usually better behaved than this.”

His friend shook his head, grinned, and licked his lips. I wanted to lick those lips too. “My name is Edward. Nice to meet you, Bella.”

“The pleasure is all mine, Edward.” I gave him my sexy smile that all the guys got stupid over.
He returned a warm smirk that was more polite than dazzled and turned back around when the teacher started his lecture. Emmett winked at me then turned as well.


Be sure to put cullenlvr83 on alert. Call Me Crazy begins posting on October 11.