Saturday, October 2, 2021

TLS Special SNEAK PEEK Feature


The Lemonade Stand has spent so many years bringing you the best the Twilight fandom has to offer, and we are very excited to have the chance to offer you even MORE. We've watched stories grow and develop from first post through COMPLETE, and now we're lucky enough to share previews of the stories that will soon be your new addiction.

On this first weekend of October, we are proud to showcase our very own multi-talented TLS admin, LayAtHomeMom! She’s given us some of our favorite fics like The Freshmen, Beneath the Branches, Kush, Burning Saints, and Girl Code. Once again, she’s giving us something a little different and we can’t wait to see where she takes us with this new fic!

banner by LayAtHomeMom

Sin and Virtue

Summary: “Even angels have their demons.”

After months of writer’s block, a lack of motivation, and an astounding aptitude for procrastination, I decided I had to come at this writing thing a little differently.

It began with a prompt and a simple question.

What if?

What if two former lovers ran into each other unexpectedly?

What if they were both angels?

What if one of them is now fallen?

What if they struck up a conversation about whose side they took in the great battle?

What if they still yearned for each other regardless of their opposition?

I jotted down my thoughts on a conversation between an angel from the Virtue choir and a fallen Dominion angel. The idea slowly formed in my head, the points and counterpoints of the faithful and the fallen. And then I wondered – what if they made a wager?

What would they wager on? A soul? Or a sin? And what would they wager for? Does the fallen Dominion angel wager for forgiveness? Or does the Virtue angel wager for the fallen’s repentance?

I called up my pal, Carrie ZM, to tell her the story idea. As expected, I got a pearl clutch and an ‘oh my’ which might as well be a blessing from her lips to my ears.

Mercifully, the words came quickly. Almost as fast as Carrie ZM hightailed it to Saint Paul’s Church to replenish her Holy Water stash.

So, if you’re down for a little tryst among the angels, a dash of blasphemy, a leap of faith, and a heaping helping of sin – this short little fic might be for you.

~Excerpt from Chapter 1~

His lips curl up into a smile so wide it looks almost sinister, and he brushes my cheek with his knuckles. “Do you ever think about us, Virtue?” His thumb traces my bottom lip. “When I was yours and you were mine?”

All of the time.

Pressing his forehead to mine, he slides his hands gently around my throat. “I used to make you sing like a Seraphim.”

My eyes fall closed as moments from our time together flicker behind my lids. Our mouths and bodies and wings entwined. Against the gates. In the garden. On the battlefield.

“Holy, holy, holy,” he sings slow, deepening his voice, “is God almighty.”

Heat surges through my mortal shell as desire and want flood every inch of this earthly form. “Yes,” I breathe. “I remember.”

“Look at me, Bella.” I open my eyes and see the fiery longing in his. “I’d give anything to feel that again.”.


Don't forget to put LayAtHomeMom on alert so you don't miss out! Sin and Virtue will begin posting soon!