Saturday, August 7, 2021

TLS Special SNEAK PEEK Feature


The Lemonade Stand has spent so many years bringing you the best the Twilight fandom has to offer, and we are very excited to have the chance to offer you even MORE. We've watched stories grow and develop from first post through COMPLETE, and now we're lucky enough to share previews of the stories that will soon be your new addiction.

This week were are featuring one of the fandoms favorite authors, hotteaforme. She's given us favorites like White Noise, and Taste of Ink.  Today she's sharing a peek of her upcoming fic The Little Things.

banner by hotteaforme

The Little Things

Summary: Struggling with form after an accident that almost cost him his life, Edward, a former motocross champion, meets Bella, a single mom of one, trying to cope with her own heartache. Sparks fly, but can they conquer their own demons to find love?


A/N: This is little excerpt from chapter 3! Enjoy x

Edward woke up alone.

There was a note left on the pillow next to him. Just one word, scribbled on a scrap of paper:


He snorted, screwing it up tightly in his fist, his hand running through mussed up hair. Sitting up, daylight streamed in through the small window that was level with the bed, his head feeling fuzzy. The lack of noise in the trailer almost claustrophobic, ears ringing in the silence. It was apparent to him right then that Bella wasn't here at all. 

And, for the second time in twenty-four hours, Edward felt a small sting of disappointment. 

She really wasn't kidding when she said she didn't want anything—not even round two. 

He didn't waste any time getting out of bed, examining Bella's small room in the light of day as he hurriedly fastened the buttons on his jeans and retrieved his t-shirt from the brown carpet. Dated wardrobes, clothes in a heap on a chair, makeup scattered on a tiny vanity with an ancient-looking fan, a pile of books on the floor near the bed… It wasn't much, and he wasn't one to judge. A home was a home no matter how small. 

He straightened the bedsheets—he wasn't a complete monster—and finally checked his cell; he had at least half a dozen missed calls from Emmett last night, and a couple more from this morning.

Let me know you're okay, shithead

Hastily he tapped out a response before he made his way out, down the narrow corridor, only pausing at an open door they must have passed on by last night. His palms came to rest on either side of the door as he inspected the kid's room. 

Stuffed animals lined up on the end of a toddler bed, covered in Frozen bedding. Little trinkets laid out on shelves: a collection of shells, stones, bird feathers, and then a picture in a silver frame that caught the light spilling in through slatted blinds, inscribed with one word...


Unable to contain his curiosity, Edward stepped toward it, picking it up and studying a baby Kasey being held in the arms of a guy dressed in MX gear, just like him. To his surprise, Edward recognized him.

He placed the picture back on the shelf, the heat in the trailer smothering, an uncomfortable feeling growing in the pit of his stomach. He whirled around, striding down the corridor and taking the steps down from the trailer with a jump. 

Leaving the trailer came with its own problem: he was seen, by a tall, lanky guy rounding the corner just as the door slapped closed behind him. 

"Hey, Bell—" The guy raised his eyes from his cell and stopped abruptly. Eyes narrowed, his body going tense, a twitch in his jaw. 

"Who the fuck are you?" the guy asked roughly, his hand dropping to the side of khaki colored shorts that fell just below his knee. 

Hostile, Edward thought humorlessly as he pulled his t-shirt on over his head. 

Just fucking great. 


Be sure and put hotteaforme on alert so you don't miss out!