Saturday, June 19, 2021

TLS Special SNEAK PEEK Feature


The Lemonade Stand has spent so many years bringing you the best the Twilight fandom has to offer, and we are very excited to have the chance to offer you even MORE. We've watched stories grow and develop from first post through COMPLETE, and now we're lucky enough to share previews of the stories that will soon be your new addiction.

This week we are excited to feature RMacaroni, author of the recently completed Ready For Forever. She's sharing the Prologue of her upcoming new fic Breaking Waves.

banner by LizziePaige

Breaking Waves

Summary: She seeks action. He wants peace. When marine biologist Bella Swan and retired surfer Edward Cullen find each other in Costa Rica in the middle of a conflict between environmentalists and turtle egg poachers, Bella might just get more than what she bargained for.



It's all fun and games when you're trying to just live a little, until you’re moments away from losing your life.

Then you’d wish you had been more careful; you’d wish you had listened to the warnings.

And there were plenty.

Even before getting on the plane.

What was a girl from Forks doing in Costa Rica anyway?

Edward had asked me that once as well, and when “turtles” was my answer, he had laughed. That throaty laugh of his that seemed to take him by surprise. Like it wasn’t meant to happen.

But turtles are what brought me here. Not only to this country, but also to this mess.

I wring my hands for the thousandth time, the skin around my wrists tender from the friction caused by the ties that bind them behind my back. My cries are muffled by the duct tape over my mouth.

Teary blue eyes stare at me from across the dark room, her features lightened by the moonlight shining from the window. Her curly blond hair frizzled with the events of the night.

Four of us. All tied up. All girls. Our only male companion on our nightly endeavor was taken as well, beaten to a pulp right before our eyes, and dragged despite our screams.

Our fate was sealed the moment we dared to expose the men who were stealing turtle eggs night after night. To sell their bounty in the black market. To profit from these creatures.

We were bound to be taken.

There was no alternative.

Now they’ve left us here, and it’s been minutes, or hours, I am not sure. 

Our whimpers echo in the emptiness that surrounds us. I can’t even hear the ocean; we are far from the breaking waves. 

I close my eyes and try again to release my hands to no avail. I take deep breaths, hoping to clear my head. 

It’s impossible. 

All I see is his face, his eyes, his smile. 

All I can think about is him. Edward. The months we had. The laughs we shared. The kisses. The tears. How it all ended. 

And if I were to die here today, my only regret would be not telling him that I love him.

Because I do. I love him so much.

I think I’ve loved him since the day he saved my life. Probably even before then.

Tears fall from my eyes as I desperately look around for a glimmer of hope, or a way out of here. But when the faintest of light peeks under the door, soon being eclipsed by distinct shadows, I know—they’ve come back for us.


Remember to put RMacaroni on alert so you don't miss out on this one. Breaking Waves will begin posting next week.


  1. Yesss! Can't wait to read it!

  2. I cannot wait for this to begin posting. It’s going to be a tough ride by the sounds of things, so I’ll strap myself in tight! :)
