Monday, May 10, 2021

What we're reading in TLS this week:

Let’s jump start your Monday with some Lemonade! We have some delicious choices for your reading pleasure this week. Get comfortable and dig in. Be sure to let the author know where you saw their story featured and leave them some love. Enjoy! Stay safe out there. 

♥ Six Dlbfive

As One Does by PurelyAmuse
"You keep giving me excuses and lashing out at me, but you know what? Not once have you said, 'Edward, this could never work because I don't even like you.' Which means," he leans in conspiratorially, "that you do. Like me." As One Does one-shot won 5th Place Public Vote in the May to December Contest as well as a the Romeo and Planetbluefic's Judge's Choice. Now it's expanded! Rated M

Beneath the Undertow by aftrnoondlight
Dreams past, circumstance and sacrifice... young Edward and Bella bravely smile through the tears on life's complicated path. A short journey of pure and true devotion... of choosing love above all else. EPOV M for Language & Lemons Rated M

Devil Incarnate by MeteorOnAMoonlessNight
20 years have passed, and the Cullen Family is now notorious for their legitimate business. From the outside, they appear to have an idyllic life, until an unforeseen threat throws their world into chaos. When loyalty and love are pushed to the limit, a line must be drawn between monsters and heroes. Sequel to Fallen Angel. Rated M

Inexplicable by LyricalKris
Edward left Bella's best friend humiliated and broken. Bella was livid. Too bad she'd just signed a three-year contract to continue the cult-hit TV show she starred in with the creep. In an industry that thrived on rumor and speculation, with overzealous fans dissecting every word and gesture, red hot rage looked a lot like white hot passion. Rated M

Man of Omerta by AGoodWITCH
Silence. Humor. Humility. This was the world as I knew it. Isabella didn’t change this for me, she made it clearer. She became a part of that oath as I spoke the words, because a man who couldn’t protect his family couldn’t protect his family, couldn’t be trusted to protect the organization. “We settle things like men, amongst men, we don’t run to the cops like cowards.” Rated M

Misunderstandings by ClaryFlynn98
Life is made up of choices, but what happens if yours led you where you don’t wanna be? Can it still be possible to fix a life marked by misunderstandings? Rated M

My Blessing by likewhitesmoke
Despite having her dream job and her life together, she still feels like something is missing. At least, until she meets Edward Cullen. A single dad who looks just as dangerous as he does attractive. His tattoos and rough exterior might have caught her attention, but it’s his giving heart which causes her to fall head over heels for him. Rated M

Piano Man by cullenlvr83
Three weeks into a statewide lockdown, Bella first hears her talented new neighbor play. She begins to look forward to his nightly serenades and the banter that plays out on post-it notes and piano keys. But what happens when she meets him face to face? Rated M

Scars To Your Beautiful by BitterLady
We all live with scars: some we choose; some were chosen for us. We can let our scars define us or we can let them make us stronger. And at Olympic Med, a place where their job is to save lives, two broken people come to find their salvation in each other, scars and all. *An A/H Twistory loosely based on Grey’s Anatomy. Rate M

Ships in the Night by anhanninen
"So on the ocean of life, we pass and speak one another, only a look and a voice, then darkness again and a silence." - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. A decade had passed since Edward left that biology classroom, cowardly deciding to run instead seeing what lies ahead. 10 years, a different man, and a girl who has become a woman. Edward has plans, but fate has different ones. Rated M

Show Me Your Tats by maniacalmuse
Playboy Emmett makes no apologies for his life of lust and leisure. He's perfectly content blazing a trail through the women of Seattle, until a shocking encounter with a badass beauty sends him on a quest to discover if love at first sight goes more than skin deep. Emmett x Rosalie, AH/OOC/Tattoos/Shenanigans/SexyFunTimes. Rated M

The Loose End by FlamingMaple
“Those who heal must do no harm” is a principle that Edward Cullen’s singular Boston crime syndicate attempts to uphold. Doing so while appeasing his dangerous Italian Mafia partners is already taxing, but when Edward is forced to silence a Harvard student to protect the business, his life becomes treacherously complicated. Rated M


  1. Thank you for including my story!

  2. interesting collection - thanks for the recommendations

  3. Please show me the Fic where Edward was in the hospital for a very long time? Thx 🙏🏻.

  4. Please show me the fic where Bella stole Edwards Children! I’m going crazy trying to remember this fic! Please! Thx! (She did bring them back),
