Saturday, May 29, 2021

TLS Special SNEAK PEEK Feature


The Lemonade Stand has spent so many years bringing you the best the Twilight fandom has to offer, and we are very excited to have the chance to offer you even MORE. We've watched stories grow and develop from first post through COMPLETE, and now we're lucky enough to share previews of the stories that will soon be your new addiction.

Today's feature comes to us from cullenlvr83, author of Piano Man and The Orphan. She's giving us a preview from her upcoming fic Il Dottore Della Mafia. 

banner by PearlyFox

Il Dottore Della Mafia

Summary: Bella is now finished with her medical residency and is completely broke. After helping a member of the mafia due to witnessing a car accident, they give her an offer that sounds too good to be true. The only bad thing is not taking it could mean sure death. 


It was dark out, but it had more to do with the fact that it was winter in Seattle than the hour. Looking at the clock on the dashboard, I saw it was barely eight p.m. I was sitting at a stoplight behind a flashy blue sports car, and honestly, I was a little envious that someone had that much cash to drop on a car. I looked down at a text I received, waiting for the light to change, smiling that Jess was sharing some pictures of their night. As I looked up, I saw an SUV clip the front of the sports car.

“What the actual fuck?” I exclaimed. To make matters worse, the SUV kept going and didn’t stop. The driver’s side door of the sports car flung open, and a man got out, but he seemed to be struggling, before he fell to the asphalt, his movement ceasing. Now, as a doctor, if I saw an accident and the situation was safe, I was obligated to help. I didn’t know if the situation was safe, but with how many emergencies I had helped out with, I turned my car off, grabbed my stethoscope from my clothes bag in the back, and jumped out of the vehicle, going toward the unconscious man. I noticed that the passenger had gotten out of the car too, and was kneeling near the driver, on the phone.

“I’m a doctor. Let me try to help,” I said, hoping the passenger would give me some room. He hung up and nodded as I knelt on the other side of him. “Sir,” I said, trying to get a response out of the man on the ground. He didn’t move at all. “Shit.” I felt for a pulse, and it was strong. I looked him over, assessing what may be wrong. I brushed his hair back from his forehead and saw the pretty sizable gash on his forehead. I turned to his friend. “Can you grab the first aid kit I have in my car? Should be in the back seat.”

The man turned toward my car and was back in a few minutes. I grabbed it from him and pulled out everything I needed to clean and bandage my patient’s forehead. I was going to have to use liquid bandages because I didn’t have a suture kit. Not wanting him to lose any more blood, I started to work on closing his wound.

“So, you’re a doctor?” the other man asked.

“I am. I’m a surgeon,” I answered simply.

“Pretty hot for a doctor. Aren’t surgeons supposed to be like old or something?”

I looked at him over my shoulder and gave him a coy smirk. “Yeah, well I’m really smart.”

He laughed and nodded. “Badass.”

I laughed back while I continued to help my patient, getting the wound closed and cleaned. “He should be waking up. He needs to get to the hospital.”

“Yeah, he may be passed out, but I know he won’t go for being taken to the hospital.”

“Great,” I said sarcastically. This guy was huge, and I didn’t know him, so I wasn’t going to push the subject.

I looked down at the man again, and since most of the emergency was under control, I finally saw how utterly gorgeous this guy was. His head was laying in my lap. He had a jaw that could cut glass with just the right amount of scruff. His lips were perfectly shaped, in a natural pout. His face was completely symmetrical, and he had a nose that looked like it had been broken before, but finding that one imperfection made his impossibly beautiful face just seem more real. I pulled out my penlight and pulled his eyelid up; his eyes dilated like they were supposed to, and his other eye snapped open. His eyes were a startling shade of green. His eyes locked with mine as he gasped and sat up in a hurry, scuffling away from me. In an effort to try to calm him down, I held up my hands.

“Hey. You were in a car crash, and you lost consciousness. I need you to remember red, yellow, and blue. You had a pretty big gash on your forehead. I fixed that as best as I could with the supplies I had, but I have a strong feeling you have a concussion. You might want to take it slow. Can you tell me today’s date and your name?”

I looked over at his friend and tilted my head toward Green Eyes. He nodded and came over to help his friend up, allowing me to stand as well.

“It’s Friday, Dec 15th, and I’m not giving you my name,” he said, and his voice was smooth velvet, and I wanted to just sink into that sound. What the hell was happening? Snap out of it, Bella, I chastised myself. “Who are you?” Green Eyes asked me.

“I’m a doctor, Bella Swan,” I said.


Be sure and put cullenlvr83 on alert so you won't miss out when Il Dottore Della Mafia begins posting.


  1. This seems like it's going to be a really good story. I'm hooked now from the glimpse you wrote. :) Thank you.

  2. Love me some Mafia stories.

  3. Im hooked already! This is going to be great!
