Saturday, March 13, 2021

TLS Special SNEAK PEEK Feature

The Lemonade Stand has spent so many years bringing you the best the Twilight fandom has to offer, and we are very excited to have the chance to offer you even MORE. We've watched stories grow and develop from first post through COMPLETE, and now we're lucky enough to share previews of the stories that will soon be your new addiction.

What do you get when you take one part Hotteaforme and one part LozzofLondon? You get HotforLozz, the newly formed writing duo! We’ve enjoyed fics from both authors; White Noise and Taste of Ink from Hotteaforme, and Toxic Waste and Drawn to the Flame from LozzofLondon. Today, we are excited to feature their upcoming fic Spies In Disguise.


Spies in Disguise

Summary:   ***CLASSIFIED***


Eagle Has Landed 

21:00, 22 February 2021
Location: Vauxhall, London

The room is dark, the tap-tap sound constant as a lone figure hunches over a keyboard, face silvery-blue from the glow of the screen. 

A door opens, casting a bright slither of light across a large table and bare walls, quickly extinguished as it shuts with a thump.

Footsteps, heavy on the worn carpet. 

There's silence. 

A slurp finally breaks it. 

"Could you not do that, Cullen?" 

"Do what?"


"I didn't slurp."

"Yes, you did." 

They fall quiet. More typing. The sound of the backspace being pressed, an audible huff. 


"God, this is hard,” She groans, slouching in her chair.

"What's hard?" 

"Trying to figure out a lemon! How many times can he thrust?" 

"I don't know. Read it to me."

"With one hand on her breast—"

"What is this, the 1800s? Change it to tit."

"Is that what you call them?" 

"Boobs, tits, the girls …" 

"The girls? Really?"

"Really. Go on. Carry on."

"With one hand on her tit, the other finds her heated centre—"


"Would you stop that?" She sniffs the air, her face scrunching in disgust. "My God, is that coffee? And you call yourself an agent of the Queen."

"I like coffee. You're right though, that”—he points to the computer—“is a load of bollocks. Move over. Let me write it."

He sits in her vacated seat, pulling the keyboard closer and studying the Google Doc on the screen in front of him. After a minute, he turns around, coffee cup dangling from long fingers.

"Do you have the most vanilla sex in the world, or what?"

Even though it's dark, Swan is sure her cheeks are turning pink. 

"At least I have sex. Surprised you can get laid at all with your attitude."

"Trust me, Swan. That's not a problem."

She slumps down further into her chair, inspecting his profile, illuminated only by the light of the computer screen. He's smirking as he types. She moves closer, suddenly worried. She's become familiar with Cullen's facial expressions over the last week, and that smirk is definitely when she needs to be worried. She leans in, reading over his shoulder. 

“You can’t say that!” 

Confused, he looks up at her. “Say what? What’s wrong with it?” 

Moist. No one likes that word.” She shivers, emphasising her point. 

“Don’t worry, Swan; at this rate, no one’s going to read it. It’s shite.” 

“We need people to read it.” 

He lifts a finger to correct her. “Person. We need one person to read it.” 


Don't forget to put HotforLozz on alert. Spies in Disguise will begin posting Monday, March 15.


  1. This is gonna be great I can tell!!! Thanks for sharing the sneak peek!

  2. I cant wait for this. The sneak peek is sexy and funny , and I know there is intrigue. Thanks girls.

  3. OMG this looks so good. Can't wait for more. Slurp :-)

  4. I’m already laughing. Can’t wait to read.
