Saturday, March 6, 2021

TLS Special SNEAK PEEK Feature

The Lemonade Stand has spent so many years bringing you the best the Twilight fandom has to offer, and we are very excited to have the chance to offer you even MORE. We've watched stories grow and develop from first post through COMPLETE, and now we're lucky enough to share previews of the stories that will soon be your new addiction.

This week's featured author is creaatingmadness whose current fic Desire has readers all a buzz. She's giving us a peek of her upcoming new fic Wicked Games. After reading the first chapter, it's safe for us to say you're not going to want to miss this one!

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Wicked Games

Summary: She's the daughter of NYC's biggest mob boss; wild, beautiful and a bitch. He’s the ex-con assigned to be her new bodyguard, one in a very long line. Isabella Swan is determined to make Edward Masen’s life a living hell until he quits, just like the others, but he’s got more at stake than she knows and he’s not going anywhere. 


“You must be Edward Masen.” I hear a deep voice to my right.

“Yes, sir,” I say respectfully, keeping my eyes forwards. “Everyone calls me Masen.”

“I’ll call you Edward.” Charlie Swan says coolly.

I nod, fighting the urge to shrug. He can call me whatever the fuck he wants, just so long as I’m paid. He comes to a stop in front of me, and I meet cool blue eyes, set in a middle-aged, clean-shaven face, his gray hair short and neatly cut.

We’re around the same height, which surprises me; I’m almost six foot four and usually the tallest man in the room.

“You’re a good-looking son of a bitch.” Charlie says distastefully. “I would imagine my daughter will think so anyway.”

I don’t know what he wants me to say to that, so I say nothing.

Charlie turns and walks over to a table, sitting and gesturing to the chair in front of him. I follow his lead, placing one arm on the table as I look at him dead on. He holds my stare for a moment before a slight smile tugs at his lips. “A cocky motherfucker too, yeah?”

I clear my throat. “Confident maybe, sir.”

“Fuck off with the sir shit,” Charlie says, leaning back in his chair slightly and surveying me. “You don’t need to kiss my ass.”

“Wasn’t trying to,” I say honestly. “Just being polite.”

Charlie laughs, holding up a hand. A woman rushes over from an adjoining room. She’s hot, and I notice, but I don’t react as she places two scotch glasses on the table in front of us.

“I’m going to be blunt, Edward,” Charlie says casually, “this is less of an interview and more of a … meeting. I’ve had several guys vouch for you, and I’ve run your background, spoken to Marcello. You were on the rise to be one of Cinna’s guys, a strong candidate, I’m told.”

I nod, and he arches a brow. “You got loyalty to that family still?”

“No,” I tell him honestly. “Never did have, just to Marcello and to be ‘blunt,’ he fucked me.”

Charlie barks out a laugh. “Yeah, Marcello’s a son of a bitch. You sure you want to do this for me? I could have you working on different things if you want? Strong record like yours, I could use you.”

I feel my jaw tighten and try to relax. “Respectfully,” I say carefully, “I don’t want to do that shit anymore.”

Charlie looks at me with surprise but then shrugs. “Okay.” He picks up his glass and drinks some. I copy his lead, the amber liquid burning the back of my throat a little.

Fuck me, that shit tastes expensive.

“So, here’s the thing, Edward,” Charlie states, “my daughter has a fucking death wish. Refuses to be guarded, sneaks out, sneaks people in, goes every-fucking-where she’s not supposed to, and I can’t have that shit.” He places his elbows on the table, meeting my eyes head-on. 

“Every single guy I’ve assigned to her has quit, and of their own volition, not because I made them. When I tell you, she will give you hell, I fucking mean it.”

I shrug, “I can handle it.”

Charlie hums, “Well, we’ll see. Isabella is quite aware that if she were to try to sleep with you, she’d be killing you, but I can’t promise she won’t try, so I’ll explain to you what will happen if you lay a single finger on my daughter…” His cool blue eyes flash, “Wherever you touch her ...whatever you do to her? I’ll put you in a room with ten men and have them all touch you the same way, for a week straight. Then, if I feel like it, I’ll let them kill you, or if the mood strikes, I will personally cut off your dick and leave you out in the street to bleed to death. Got it?”

It’s not the worst threat I’ve ever heard, not even close, and I barely blink at him as I nod. “Loud and clear.”


Don't forget to put creaatingmadness on alert. Wicked Games will begin posting later today!