Monday, November 16, 2020

What we're reading in TLS this week:

We’ve dusted off a few old favorites and found a few new ones for this week’s rec list. We hope you enjoy these selections as much as we do. Please leave the writers some love in the form of a review and let them know where you saw them recommended! Happy Reading! Stay safe out there.

♥ Six Dlbfive

Cloak and Dagger by AnndrellesAnne
Bella likes a quiet life, without drama, and certainly without all that mate crap that the world seems to revolve around. That won't be her. She has other plans and they don't involve having her head and heart messed up by hormones and matehood. Because she knows who her mate is. And if he ever finds out... Rated M

Five Days of Holiday Hell by ericastwilight
Bella has a love/hate relationship with the holidays. Don't get her started on office gossip and the company's Secret Santa. Five days of sneaking around to deliver gifts to someone she could barely tolerate is pure torture! When her first gift arrives, she wonders how someone got it right on the first try. By the second she considered joining WITSEC. Written4PandorasBoxisHeavy. Rated M

Flowers for Strangers by Olivejuice26
Edward often visits his grandad's grave, but notices the neighboring grave of a young man always remains bare and unkept. He decides to leave flowers on the grave, which leads him down a path of tragic discovery and a chance meeting with a beautiful, young stranger, who may end up being what his life was missing. AH, Older Edward/Younger Bella. Rated M

Home for the Harvest by compass54
Montana, 1000 feet above the Missouri River, was the last photo shoot before my vacation. The Cullen family, expanding the brand of their high-end whiskey, hired me to photograph their harvest. They chose an unknown male model to add sex to the campaign, and I knew working with an amateur would be a challenge. I never knew their seductive country boy would have me begging for more. Rated M

I Put A Spell On You by addict-writer
He had it all and lost everything in one night. She's trying to deal with her demons from her past. Does he have what she needs? Is she enough to heal him? Is she enough for him? Rated M

Keep the Tofurkey, Bring on the Beer! by MrsSpaceCowboy
Bella Swan wants an escort for Thanksgiving weekend. Edward Cullen wants a second chance. Charlie wants to know where Renee hid the key to his gun safe. Happy Thanksgiving! *First Place and Funniest Popular Vote in the Twilight of Craigslist Contest* Rated M

Little Lovebird by assilem33
"Do you want them to think you've just been wallowing in self pity the past six years? Come on, you've got bigger balls than that. Show them." Rated M

More Than Words by Sydney Alice
A special, uncomplicated friendship is formed through email. What happens when their simple daily chats become more than just words on a computer screen? Rated M

Seventh and Pine by iambeagle
Eating food, drinking beer, and watching football are acceptable ways to spend your Thanksgiving Day. Wooing your niece's insanely attractive babysitter, however, is not.
Rated M

The Girl with the Golden Blood by Honeymoon Edward
Only twelve individuals have been known to have the Golden Blood since its discovery in 1903. Isabella Black is about to discover she's unlucky number thirteen. Rated M

The Last of the Real Ones by bicyclesarecool
"The world today is content to call the Vigilante an alien, a cyborg, a military experiment gone wrong. But I know the truth." A superhuman avenger and an empty young woman meet in free fall. Nothing will ever be the same. Rated M

Third Time’s the Charm by Sukiethree
Left pregnant and alone, Bella delivers a surprise to the paramedic who knocks on her door. My entry for The Perfect Date Contest. Rated M 


  1. Thank you! Trying to get through some on my TBR list, and now I can add a few more!

  2. Oooh, thank you to whoever added my latest story to this list.

  3. Great choices all the way around. Thanks!
