Sunday, November 1, 2020

Thirst: A Vampfic Contest

Now Accepting Entries!

THIRST: A Vampfic Contest

because we can never get enough

Did you devour Midnight Sun but still want MORE? So. Do. We.

Give us your Vampwards. Hero? Villain? Somewhere in between? You decide. We want them all.

· Dark, dramatic, and delicious? Bring it on!

· Campy vampy? Yeah, baby!

· Protective, canon, waited-forever-for-love vampire? Um... yes, please!

We have a THIRST, and we want YOU to help us quench it.


This is a one-shot contest.

All entries must include Vampire Edward, but he does not have to be the main character.

All entries must tell a complete story, not just the first chapter of a multi-chapter fic. This criteria is not intended to limit you from expanding after the contest. Please expand your story within the scope of the one-shot instead of outside it.

PLEASE NOTE: The judging criteria will be weighted most heavily on: Is the one-shot clearly a complete story? What is the quality of the editing/beta work?


Length: 3,000 to 12,000

Genre: Any

Rating: M only. Readers, judges, and participants MUST be over 18.

Pairing: Any

Content Guidelines: No rape, incest, bestiality, pedophilia, or RPF. Submissions containing any of these elements will be disqualified upon receipt.

Number of Entries: 2 single entries per author OR 1 entry and 1 collaboration allowed.

All entries must be beta’d before submission and will be validated when received to ensure the criteria and a base level of quality (spelling, grammar and punctuation) are met. Entries may be returned for further editing upon advice of the validators. Revised entries must be received by the contest submission deadline. No exceptions.

Please remember this contest is ANONYMOUS. Feel free to publicize the contest as a whole. We would love for you to spread the word! But do not hint nor disclose the author, beta or pre-reader of any entries. Do not give any hints about word count, plotline, characters, or any other information that would identify the entry. Violation of this rule will result in immediate disqualification of the entry.

Important Dates to Remember:

We will begin accepting submissions 10/31/2020. Submissions will close at 9 pm EST on 11/30/2020. Popular Voting from 12/3/2020-12/13/2020. Winners will be announced on Facebook and Twitter on 12/18/2020. Dates subject to change at Hosts' discretion.


Secret Keeper



Jamie Michelle Mitchell

Shadow Masen

Hilary Bolton

Vagabonda Reads

Carrie ZM


Meg Iambeagle

Cejsmom Watson


Mina Rivera

Special Contest Consultant

Debralyn Six


Hadley Hemingway & KJ Hawk


Submissions should include the following in the header...

Contest entry for the Thirst Vampfic Contest



Twitter Handle:

Facebook Name:



Summary: (optional- A standard "Contest entry for" will be used if no summary is included)

Disclaimer: The author does not own any publicly recognizable characters herein. No copyright infringement is intended.

Submit via email at:

Qualifying submissions will be added to the contest page upon validation.


Questions can be directed to Secret Keeper Jeaboo1 at

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great! Will the stories be posted on
