Saturday, August 1, 2020

TLS Special SNEAK PEEK Feature

The Lemonade Stand has spent so many years bringing you the best the Twilight fandom has to offer, and we are very excited to have the chance to offer you even MORE. We've watched stories grow and develop from first post through COMPLETE, and now we're lucky enough to share previews of the stories that will soon be your new addiction.

We are so excited to bring you a taste of something new from Honeymoon Edward, author of fics The Road Trip, It's Time: Bella's Story, and Edward Gets a Cold. This morning, she's sharing an excerpt from her new vamp fic The Girl with the Golden Blood. We can't wait to sink our teeth into this one!

banner by Honeymoon Edward

The Girl with the Golden Blood
Honeymoon Edward

Summary: Only twelve individuals have been known to have the Golden Blood since its discovery in 1903. Isabella Black is about to discover she’s unlucky number thirteen.

xX~ ~Xx

First of all, thanks so much to the ladies of TLS for featuring my new story. What a tremendous honor! I’m so incredibly humbled.

Wow! It seems like forever since I’ve published anything new. I guess lockdown with my family must have been a bit too much to handle for my muse. Bitch packed her bags and vacated the premises sometime during the second week.

Seriously though, with the chaos of having two bored teenagers and my husband at my side almost 24/7, I have struggled finding the quiet that I desperately need to focus.

In the past several months, I’ve started five—maybe six—new stories, but none of them have felt right. (Sorry, KJ, K, Lizzie, and Kay!) Fortunately, after taking a short break and making some very unwise purchases on the Wish app, inspiration finally hit when I read an article about a rare blood type known as the “Golden Blood.”

The Girl with the Golden Blood is unlike anything I’ve ever written. With the forceful (um...I mean loving) guidance of my beta, KJ, I have been attempting to stretch myself and try new things. I hope you like the result.


xX~ ~Xx

Teaser (From Chapter 8)

Kneeling next to the cage, he tilted his head as he studied me. His sinister eyes were so dark that they were almost black. “Allow me to introduce myself. I’m James Thomas Hunter III.” Raising his nose, he sniffed the air dramatically. His nostrils flared. “Lord, have mercy. I don’t think I’ve ever smelled someone quite so appetizing. It’s no wonder you’re so coveted.” He opened the cage door and ran his icy fingers along my cheek, sending a series of shivers down my spine. “Perhaps I should keep you for myself.”

Cringing away from his touch, I stuttered between sobs, “Pl...please.” Blinking hard, I tried to catch my breath in between hiccups.

Removing his hand from the cage, he slowly licked each of his fingers, making popping noises as he pulled them from his mouth. He then proceeded to laugh as if I had said the funniest thing he had ever heard. Without missing a beat, his expression suddenly became eerily solemn. “My apologies, Isabella. Once again, I’ve shown a disgraceful lack of decorum. Please allow me a brief moment to consider your request.” As he tapped his chin, he stared blankly at the wall behind me. 

Several minutes later, he frowned. “I suppose the right thing to do in this situation is let you return home.”

My jaw dropped, and my eyes widened at his declaration. I don’t know what made him come to that decision, but I certainly wasn’t going to argue. Wiping my nose with the back of my hand, I sniffled. “Th...thank you so much. I promise I won’t ever say anything to anyone.”

He placed the flat of his palm against his chest. “I appreciate it. That means a great deal, and I know you won’t...because I was just kidding. There’s no way on earth I’m allowing you to leave. Do you think I’m crazy?” He arched an eyebrow in challenge. “Don’t you realize how long I’ve waited to find you?”

xX~ ~Xx

Don't wait! Put Honeymoon Edward on alert so you don't miss out on this new vamp fic. The Girl with the Golden Blood will begin posting on Friday, August 7, 2020.


  1. Ooooh..... This fic sounds delicious! Mwahaha..... I can't wait to read it. :)
