Friday, October 2, 2020

Flash Fic Friday


A big shout out to all those who flashed us in August! 

With all the craziness going on in the world, we wanted to bring some of the fun back from the fandom heydays with Flash Fic Fridays.

What’s a Flash Fic?
Basically it’s a spur of the moment, scene or story prompted by gifs, pictures, words, or quotes.

How does it work?
On Flash Fic Friday, TLS will post a picture prompt to the blog. Using the image, we are asking writers to submit 100-300 words ONLY – no more, no less. Please leave your submission in the comment section at the bottom of the post using this format:

- Penname
- Link to your FFN profile
- Your wonderful 100-300 words

Is this a contest/competition?
No, but we are hoping to inspire words from writers and smiles from readers during this period of social distancing.

So flash us!

Give us some dirty words with a side of sizzle. Make us swoon from sweetness. Or if you love angst, make it hurt so good.

Here’s the prompt I selected for this week. Make sure to incorporate it into your submission:

Happy writing!
~0 0~

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  1. Aspire2write
    Word Count: 298

    My breath stuttered, my pulse increased, and fire shot through my veins when her delicate hand slid high onto my thigh. I quickly pulled myself in check, but I knew she felt my reaction. From my periphery, I watched her bite her lip before crossing those alluring legs and softly moving her hand over my dick. I didn’t stop her, tried to not react. However, the longer she stroked, the harder it became not to reach over and slip my hand up her skirt to return the favor. The things this woman could do to me.

    I moved my hand to hover over hers almost unconsciously as my eyes began to slide closed and my fingers caressed her arm gently as she simultaneously tortured me and brought me immense pleasure. I don’t know how long this one, but eventually she slowly slid her hand away from my cock. When I realized she was pulling away, my eyes snapped open to meet hers, and I seized her wrist pinning her in place.

    Her cheeks were flushed with that beautiful blush. Deliberately, I dropped my eyes to where I knew that color trailed all the way down her chest. Her enticing lacy black dress with the deeply plunged neckline that hugged her delectable curves allowed me to peruse her soft, creamy flesh. I smirked when the sight that met my eyes proven me right.

    “We’re here,” she said as she tilted her head to the door and made to move away from where she was pressed to my side.

    “No.” I wanted to drown in her whisky brown eyes as they smoldered at the clear command in my tone.

    “On your knees.” She stared at me for a long moment before her plump, wine-red lips quirked up on one side.

  2. Sunshine1220

    Bella swirled the wine in her glass, the rim obscuring her shy smile as it hovered at her lips. The fire in the hearth flickered across the room, casting the room in a warm glow. Sitting with her legs folded under her, she regarded the man beside her on the sofa. The back of his finger brushed along the soft skin of her bare knee over and over, sending tiny shocks across her skin.

    “So, I take it dinner was satisfactory?” Edward asked, his head tilted back and his own glass of wine grasped at the rim, dangling from his fingertips.

    She hummed in agreement. “Very good. And dessert was amazing.”

    The tips of his ears reddened as he looked away.

    In the weeks she’d been seeing him, he’d never been anything less than confident, and seeing him get bashful over a compliment made her giggle. “What? Why do you look embarrassed?”

    The corner of his mouth turned up as he looked her way, and the boyish expression on his face made her melt. “Would you think any less of me if I told you my mom made the cake?”

    Bella giggled behind her glass. “Your mom, huh?”

    “Yeah. She ...” He shook his head and smiled, this time his cheeks pinkening under her gaze. “She knew I wanted to make tonight special.”

    Her grin grew. “Special?”

    Edward reached up and cupped her cheek. “Yeah, special, Bella. You’re special.”

    She reached past him, placing her glass on the end table before settling herself right up against him. “I think you’re pretty special, too. And since you made dinner”—she leaned closer, her hand burning a blazing path across his thigh and between his legs as her lips brushed against the shell of his ear—“how about I make us breakfast?”

  3. Twiyogachick

    Word Count:299

    My eyes ran through the room, unwittingly looking for him: green eyes, smirk on place, staring at me across the room - Edward Cullen.

    The office party was in full force; people’s daily reservations were long forgotten between the beers and brands.

    Edward sat across from me, with Jessica practically in his lap, grinning at something that was said. He didn’t seemed interested though; his eyes were locked into mine, watching me as I watched him.

    We had a long history of him flirting and me curving the ball, but he made me nervous and knew it. He teased me around, taking every opportunity of touching me and making me blush; something that annoyed and excited me equally.

    Lost in thought, I watched Jessica’s hand sliding alongside Edward’s torso directly to his cock. He and I jumped at the same time; and his hand pushing hers away was the last thing I saw before I was up and out.

    “Going so soon?” I heard Edward’s voice behind me, as I gathered my belongings in my desk.

    “Yup,” I said without looking; he didn’t need to know how much he affected me.

    “Would you like a ride home?” He tried once again.

    “I think you already have company, Cullen.” I replied without flinching.

    “Are you ever going to give me a chance?”

    “I’m not even sure what you want a chance for.”

    I turned around, ready to send him away - but Edward was much closer than I expected. His hands were caging me to spot, the warmth of his body making giving me goosebumps.

    I looked up and suddenly I was drowning in green.

    “This is what I want a chance for.”

    Without giving me time to overthink, his lips were on mine... and I was in deep trouble.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
