Friday, August 21, 2020

Flash Fic Friday


A big shout out to all those who flashed us in July! 

With all the craziness going on in the world, we wanted to bring some of the fun back from the fandom heydays with Flash Fic Fridays.

What’s a Flash Fic?
Basically it’s a spur of the moment, scene or story prompted by gifs, pictures, words, or quotes.

How does it work?
On Flash Fic Friday, TLS will post a picture prompt to the blog. Using the image, we are asking writers to submit 100-300 words ONLY – no more, no less. Please leave your submission in the comment section at the bottom of the post using this format:

- Penname
- Link to your FFN profile
- Your wonderful 100-300 words

Is this a contest/competition?
No, but we are hoping to inspire words from writers and smiles from readers during this period of social distancing.

So flash us!

Give us some dirty words with a side of sizzle. Make us swoon from sweetness. Or if you love angst, make it hurt so good.

Here’s the prompt I selected for this week. Make sure to incorporate it into your submission:

Happy writing!
~0 0~

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  1. “Babe?”

    I hear him calling to me from the bedroom. I don’t answer.

    “Babe?” he repeats. “You mad?”

    I’m not. Not really, anyway. Just irritated as fuck.

    Who wouldn’t be? He’s figuratively dangled an engagement ring before me for weeks – encouraging me to get a mani, dress up for our Saturday night dates. But it’s always just a regular dinner at our favorite restaurant. No ring. No proposal.

    Tonight was another false alarm, so now I’m standing at the bathroom sink scrubbing off my makeup before ten o’clock. Inexplicably, my throat tightens as I look at my reflection.

    “He loves you,” I whisper to her. She rolls her suddenly-teary eyes, so I’m not sure she believes me.

    When I hear him coming, I splash water on my face to hide the evidence of my hurt.

    “Don’t be mad, babe,” he says quietly, standing behind me. He touches my bare back tentatively, then slides his hand down…down. In the mirror, I watch him looking at my ass as his fingers skim under the lace of my panties. “You’re gorgeous.”

    My breath hitches when his fingers glide between my legs, and I moan softly.

    He leans down, resting his lips on my shoulder. “Come to bed. I’ll go lock up.”

    My annoyance overrides my hormones after he leaves the bathroom. I take my time…until I smell it.

    A fucking cigar. The bastard is outside smoking. He knows I hate it.

    Grabbing my robe, I storm toward the back door and yank it open.

    “Oh, fuck.” Stopping short, I clap a hand over my mouth and exhale forcefully. Candles in the shape of a heart decorate the patio, and inside, Edward is down on one knee. “Babe.”

    “Bella.” Smirking, tossing the cigar to the side, he holds a ring toward me. “Say yes.”

    1. That's the best kind of surprise!

    2. I guess we can forgive him for being a tease now that he finally delivered!

  2. ghostreader24

    After adjusting what little there is of my next costume, my eyes rake over the curvy seductress staring back at me.

    “Poor Edward.” Jess snickers.

    I smirk, slip on my robe, and sit in front of the mirror. While Jess adds finishing touches to my makeup and Eric fusses with my hair, there’s a soft knock on my door.

    “Come in,” I yell, smiling at the familiar face in the doorway. “Uh-oh. What does the ass want now?”

    Angela, his assistant, hesitates. “Mr. Cullen wants to see you in his dressing room to run lines before your next scene.”

    I roll my eyes, because this afternoon’s scene barely has any lines. What he really wants is my attention and can’t understand why I’m not fawning over him like everyone else on set. Sure, he has top billing and his smooth British accent is to die for, but I’ve been professional throughout filming, unlike him. My agent warned me not to take this role. He’s a womanizer, she vowed—just like his character.

    “You can tell—”

    Before I can finish, Edward barrels through the door, wearing a perfectly tailored suit and barking orders.

    “Everyone out. Miss Swan needs to rehearse.”

    Jess raises her eyebrows and I shrug, as she follows Eric and Angela out the door, closing it softly behind them.

    “Ready?” Edward nods toward my robe. “No flinching this time.”

    “Sure.” I stand, loosening the tie and letting my robe drop.

    As his warm hand explores my body, I relax into his gentle caresses, even when he dips lower than he should, rubbing my bare ass cheek and teasing me between my legs.

    “Promise not to fall in love with me.” Edward winks at my surprised reflection with his damn crooked grin firmly in place.

    “You ass. You’re dreaming.”

    “We’ll see.”

  3. I think there will be some love happening, but I think it will be mutual.

  4. Although it's unlikely, this man needs someone to take him down a peg or two! lol.

