Friday, April 3, 2020

Flash Fic Friday


Huge thanks to all of the lovely writers who contributed to last week’s Flash Fic Friday prompt. We had so much fun, we want to do it again!

What’s a Flash Fic?
Basically it’s a spur of the moment, scene or story prompted by gifs, pictures, words, or quotes.

How does it work?
Each Friday, TLS will post a picture prompt to the blog. Using the image, we are asking writers to submit 100-300 words ONLY – no more, no less. Please leave your submission in the comment section at the bottom of the post using this format:

- Penname
- Link to your FFN profile
- Your wonderful 100-300 words

Is this a contest/competition?
No, but we are hoping to inspire words from writers and smiles from readers during this period of social distancing.

So flash us!

Give us some dirty words with a side of sizzle. Make us swoon from sweetness. Or if you love angst, make it hurt so good.

Here’s the prompt I selected for this week. Make sure to incorporate it into your submission:

Happy writing!

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