Friday, March 27, 2020

Flash Fic Friday


With all the craziness going on in the world, we wanted to bring some of the fun back from the fandom heydays with Flash Fic Fridays.

What’s a Flash Fic?
Basically it’s a spur of the moment, scene or story prompted by gifs, pictures, words, or quotes.

How does it work?
Each Friday, TLS will post a picture prompt to the blog. Using the image, we are asking writers to submit 100-300 words ONLY – no more, no less. Please leave your submission in the comment section at the bottom of the post using this format:

- Penname
- Link to your FFN profile
- Your wonderful 100-300 words

Is this a contest/competition?
No, but we are hoping to inspire words from writers and smiles from readers during this period of social distancing.

So flash us!

Give us some dirty words with a side of sizzle. Make us swoon from sweetness. Or if you love angst, make it hurt so good.

Here’s the prompt and picture I selected for this week. Make sure to incorporate both into your submission:

Prompt: “He can’t know about us.”

Happy writing!


  1. Penname: planetblue

    The Big Cat man was on top of the world, doing his thing on the stage.

    I'd been to see him many times, and each time, I could swear he sought me out in the crowd.

    Winked at me.

    Toyed with me.

    His mullet was neat today, the bottom held back with a leather cord and my fingers itched to pull his hair free.

    I wanted to mess that hair up so bad.

    When the show was over, I loitered around, watching the beautiful, tiger slinking across the ground looking for a spot in the shade.

    "Isn't he a beauty?" The voice was close, hot in my ear like the Florida humidity. I knew that voice.

    Edward. The Tiger King.

    "He is..." I trailed off, dying to tell him he’s the beautiful one.

    “You come here a lot. Are you a Big Cat lover?”

    “I wasn’t… until I came here.” The tiger in front of me growled like he took offense.

    “Well, I for one am happy you did.” His hand on my shoulder finally made me turn. He was even more glorious close up. Bright, green eyes. Hoop through one eyebrow. But the way those eyes were looking at me made my knees buckle.

    “Whoa, I got you.” His hand cupped my elbow to steady me, and mine flew to his forearm to regain my balance.

    Our hands didn’t drop.

    As we stared at each other, his hand crept to my waist. It wasn’t lost on me that he had just touched the mighty beast that was now gently purring behind the bars. My body shivered at the thought, and he smiled.

    “My husband John is right over there.” He nodded his head behind me as his hand trailed down to the hem of my shorts.

    “He can’t know about us.”


    “I’m gay, but I never met a pussy I didn’t like.”

    And with that, his hand slowly swiped the inside of my thigh.

    The tiger behind us growled.

    1. She's a big cat lover all right!

    2. I don't know HOW I'll be able to top this one! I loved it, though. Very compelling. I especially liked the image of Edward's eyes with the pierced eyebrow. And the ever-present cats behind . . .

    3. This is my comment above. I'm not used to commenting here, you guys. Bear with me. xo

  2. Penname: ghostreader24

    Distance. It’s what I’ve tried to put between us ever since he showed up in my gym looking for a trainer. I know his type—too willing to make a name for himself, oozing confidence, and no idea who I am, which is dangerous for both of us. I have no doubt he needs money. They all do.

    I should have known better, but I gave him three minutes in my ring and wasn’t surprised by his reaction when he saw his opponent was Rose at my choosing. One of my cardinal rules in life—never underestimate anyone. Ever. That’s his mistake, not mine. He misjudged Rose and by extension me. I sent him to Jake’s with his tail tucked between his legs, but my gut told me that wouldn’t be the last I would see of him.

    My eyes shift from my view of The Strip to where he’s sprawled naked across my bed. While I sip my morning coffee, I can’t resist this view either—muscles chiseled through hours of sweat and determination. Easing open the glass door, I slip outside, sitting at the table and chairs on the balcony as I contemplate where to go from here.

    Wrapped in his white button down and surrounded by his intoxicating scent, my mind flashes to the early morning hours I spent pressed against the windows of my suite. His never-ending stamina and eager lips leaving no curve or crevice untouched.

    “Good morning.” His gravelly voice startles me as I missed the opening of the door.

    “Hey, morning.”

    He bends kissing my lips, and his hand brushes along my bare inner thigh.

    My head falls backward against the cushion and the truth spills in a rush from my lips. “He can’t know about us.”

    “Who? Your father?”

    “No, my husband.”

    1. Bad girl is going to get found out if she's not careful!

    2. So she's young, this girl wrapped in his white button down shirt . . . and/or, her father is the guy's Boss. Someone who he fears.

  3. (This is for KJ who wanted me to stretch my ass. LOL)

    The boss walked to the front of the room. Edward leaned over—the heady scent of his aftershave filled my nostrils as his warm breath tickled my ear. “Remember, he can’t know about us.” Even though I wanted to roll my eyes, I dipped my chin inconspicuously. After eight months, I knew the drill.

    Edward sank into his seat, straightening his tie—the blue one I purchased him for our last anniversary—the same one he used the night before to tie me to the bed frame. Bastard. He wasn’t wearing it when we left this morning—he’d changed. Lowering my phone beneath the table, I sent him a text.

    Nice tie, asshole.

    I risked a glance in his direction and discovered him smirking as he read my message. My cell vibrated.

    It’s one of my favorites. Although, it looks much better wrapped around your wrists.

    A shiver of arousal pulsed through me as I remembered the way he teased me for what seemed like hours, stroking every inch of my body with his fingers and tongue. I bit my bottom lip to suppress a moan, recalling how he slowly rubbed his shaft against my folds, coating himself in my juices before finally plunging into my throbbing core.

    I squirmed in my seat, slick and hot. The vibration of my phone interrupted my thoughts.

    Everything OK? You look uncomfortable.

    I wanted to throw my cell at his cocky face, but the ache between my legs could no longer be denied. Grabbing his free hand, I slid it up my thigh where I needed him most.

    An hour later, the meeting ended. As I headed to the doorway, the boss approached. “Bella, thanks for coming. I know you don’t usually attend these things.”

    Grinning, I peeked toward Edward. “The pleasure was all mine.”


  5. Now THAT takes balls. Woo, to be confident enough to grab a co-workers hand during a company meeting and move it down there. The reader in me is intrigued at the idea behind just mere arousal, because in THIS kind of setting, it'd be a power play of sorts.

  6. OMG, TLS ladies! Thank you for bringing back FFF! xoxo -kj

    Penname: jayhawkbb


    It’s shitty. I know it’s shitty.

    I do it anyway.

    Ignoring the other empty chairs, I pull out the one next to Bella, not daring to look at her as I sit down. She gasps softly as my arm bumps hers.

    “Look who’s finally here! My best fucking friend.” Jake grins across the table. My gut twists, but I force a smile. “Thanks for coming, Edward.”

    “Wouldn’t miss it,” I reply, tossing him a wrapped box. “Happy birthday.”

    The leather flask was expensive. More than I would normally spend, oldest friend or not.

    Guilt gift.

    During dinner, we tell old stories, entertaining his friends. But always I’m aware of her beside me. Her laughter. Her perfume. Her fucking short skirt.

    While Jake’s attention is focused at the end of the long table, I reach under it and glide my fingers along her smooth skin. Her legs part, letting me brush against her lacy underwear before stops me, whimpering quietly. She squeezes my hand and sets it on my own leg.

    “I’m going to the ladies’ room, babe,” she says, smiling at Jake. And, fuck, I wish she was talking to me.

    Or maybe she is. I excuse myself a minute later.

    In a dark alcove near the restrooms, she pulls me close, moving her lips with mine.

    “He can’t know about us,” she murmurs.


    “Why can’t we stop?” she pants. “I wish I could walk away.”

    I wrap my fingers loosely around her neck, feeling her rapid pulse keep time with mine.

    “Run, Bella,” I beg. “Please fucking run.”

    But as our mouths meet again, I know she won’t. Neither will I. We’re both trapped in this rapid descent, this out of control spin.

    She’s a beautiful fucking threat to me…to my friendship with Jake…to my sanity.

    To my heart.

  7. Oh, she WAS talking to YOU Edward. I think I'D like to have a private conversation with that tortured soul. Excellent work.

  8. Had some technical difficulties getting this up on Friday, but better late than never, right? ;)

    Pen name: Sunshine1220

    I wipe my forehead against my shoulder. The heat of the afternoon has filled the kitchen, and beads of sweat roll down the small of my back. The tension in my shoulders only adds to my discomfort, but there’s nothing to be done about it now. The way we left things earlier is on repeat in my mind.

    The screen door snaps shut, and the stretch of silence that follows is almost deafening.

    “You shouldn’t be in here, Mr. Cullen.” I focus on my hands as they knead the dough on the workbench, the frustration I’ve felt all day manifesting itself in baked goods that line the counter.

    “And you shouldn’t have run off like that, Mrs. Black.” His tone is accusing, his voice deep.

    My hands still. “If he finds you in here he’ll—”

    “He’ll what? I ain’t afraid of your husband.” Heavy footsteps near, and my skin prickles as his warm breath wafts over my neck. “Let him find me in here,” he whispers as he gathers the fabric of my skirt in his hand. “Let him find me in your bed. The same bed I slept in when he went to the city.” He nips at my ear. “Let him find out, Bella.”

    His hand finds its way between my things, teasing me like he always does.

    I close my eyes and my head falls back against his chest. “He can’t know about us.”

    “And what happens when this one comes along?” he asks as his other hand splays out over the little one growing in my belly. “You gonna keep me from my own son?”

    I shake my head. “No,” I whisper.

    He grasps my chin and tilts my head, his lips crashing against mine.

  9. Ohhh, I could feel the heat in that one! *wipes brow* Loved it!

  10. What a pleasure to read! Great stories to all the ladies. I really enjoyed reading. Well done! Wow... is it a bit hot in here? xxx

  11. All those FFF stories above, just WOW! That just proves why you all are my favorite writers in the fandom!! Excellent.
