Saturday, November 9, 2019

TLS Special SNEAK PEEK Feature

The Lemonade Stand has spent so many years bringing you the best the Twilight fandom has to offer, and we are very excited to have the chance to offer you even MORE. We've watched stories grow and develop from first post through COMPLETE, and now we're lucky enough to share previews of the stories that will soon be your new addiction.

This week, TLS is featuring the talented MeteorOnAMoonlessNight, author of  Heart of Stone, 1500 Acres, and Seismic Shift. She's giving us this exclusive teaser of her new fic The Ember Sword.

banner by Belizabetty Masen

The Ember Sword by MeteorOnAMoonlessNight

Summary: The Prophecy of The First Blood declares the Ember Sword shall be in the care of The True-Sworn for eternity—which is how long the clan will live if they can keep the enchanted sword out of the hands of The Forsaken. With the enemy bearing down on them, the chieftess and her daughters must prepare for the coming battle.


A few months ago, I had dreams several nights in a row that bugged me to turn them into fics. When I get an idea, I write down any thoughts or phrases and move on, but this one wouldn't let me go. I dreamed of an encounter between a princess and her servant—Isabella and Edward. They were in love with each other, but not allowed to be together, and she was about to head off to war.

The idea rolled around in my head for days. Why was she going to battle? Why weren’t they able to be together? If I let them be together, would it be illicit? I had the idea that Esme was the chieftess of a clan, and the women were all royalty. They called the shots, and the men followed their orders. It sort of snowballed from there; Edward and the other men are all attendants in the household. If a woman feels that a man has proven his courage, strength, and loyalty, she can choose him as her mate. It’s against the law for men to touch a woman or even say anything about how they feel, and the women can’t propose to a man unless he’s proven himself in a major way.

I pictured Celtic women first, then I pictured Xena, then they somewhat morphed into Viking shield-maidens, and now I have a conglomeration in my mind. They are protecting a magical sword that has been given to them to guard for eternity. A rogue clan is coming for the sword, and the warriors must cut them off before they get too close to their stronghold.

Edward has proven to be loyal, and he is strong and kind. But, he has never had the opportunity to show his extraordinary courage. Isabella is frustrated that she can’t ask him to marry her when nothing has come up to allow him the chance to prove himself. There are many close encounters where they each push the boundaries in desperation.

This snippet is the first part I wrote. It comes directly from my dream, following a rather scandalous moment in Isabella’s bedchamber before she had to join the others to leave for the battle.


Edward spotted Isabella and tried to come up with a reason to pull her aside. He hadn’t a clue what he would say, but he had to try something. He stood by the edge of the building and picked up a pebble, tossing it at her boot-clad feet and slinking into the shadows when she looked up.

“Edward?” she whispered.

He gestured for her to follow him and circled around the stables to the back of the main keep. When he stopped, he spun to face her.

“Isabella, please. I beg you not to go.”

Her eyes widened and she looked around them to ensure they were alone. “Don’t be ridiculous, Edward. This is what I was born to do. I’ve spent most of my life training for battle.”

He fisted a handful of his hair, his frustration growing as she refused to take him seriously. “You’ll die.”

She laughed. If only he knew. “We’re not having this argument again.”

Isabella started to walk off and join the others, but Edward grabbed her and spun her to face him. He crushed his mouth to hers and knew the only reason he lived through the moment was because she chose not to make him a head shorter.

Edward was desperate to make Isabella see things his way before she left. He would tell her with his body if she wouldn't listen to his words. He held her face and slanted his mouth over hers, taking what he didn't lawfully have a right to take. He moved his hands to cup the back of her neck firmly, changed angles, and for one staggering moment the kiss went hot and wild and threatening. She brought her fist up, gripping his sleeve for balance as he all but swept her feet from under her. One of them moaned long and low.

It only lasted for a few moments, but felt to be an eternity.

He didn't want to pull away, didn't want to let her go. He’d known for years she would taste like honey and feel like heaven in his arms. She could kill him for getting so close and personal. He knew the laws that were imbedded in every man’s brain from day one, but he had no choice. He had to take the chance and try to make her listen to him.

When she pushed him away, her face was flushed, lips bruised and eyes bright. Her chest heaved, and he waited for her to say the words that would end his life.

Remember to put MeteorOnAMoonlessNight on alert so you can read along with us. The Ember Sword begins posting November 14, 2019.


  1. Oooohhhhh, sounds citrusy! On alert!

  2. I can't wait to read this. I absolutely love the show The Vikings and the badass shield maiden Lagertha. So for Bella to be anything close to similar to her, is going to be really frickin epic!!!!!

  3. Yay! I'm so glad you're starting to post this! It's such a gripping story!

  4. It sounds sooo good. I really can't put into words how much I am looking forward to this new tale of yours. ����
