Saturday, April 27, 2019

TLS Special SNEAK PEEK Feature

The Lemonade Stand has spent so many years bringing you the best the Twilight fandom has to offer, and we are very excited to have the chance to offer you even MORE. We've watched stories grow and develop from first post through COMPLETE, and now we're lucky enough to share previews of the stories that will soon be your new addiction.

This week, we are excited to feature an excerpt from the upcoming fic Perfect Match by Shouldbecleaning, author of fandom favs A Servant Wife and Descent. After reading this chapter tease, the ladies of TLS can't wait to get started with this one!

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Perfect Match 

Summary: For him, she's a perfect match. Sometimes it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission.

You know how sometimes when you've finished eating something sweet you need a little something salty to counter balance? As I was finishing up some sweeter stories I needed to write a not so sweet one. A phrase, a memory, an urban legend and this story took off. You're probably going to hate this Edward, want to shake some sense into this Bella and take this Rosalie out for a drink. Set in the near past, unlike most of my stories, and based in my former hometown of Toronto, I've injected little bits of my past into this story. Thank you for reading.


Dessert was served, but neither of them really tasted it.  Edward ordered a large brandy and sipped it slowly while watching Bella become increasingly nervous.

“Mr. Cullen … Edward?  Why am I here?  Why did you invite me to dinner?”

“That’s an intriguing question.  I thought it would be interesting getting to know you, Bella Swan, possibly amusing or edifying.  You’ve proved a rather beguiling dinner companion and I’ve learned a great deal from you.”

She waited for him to elaborate but he drank his brandy and said no more.  Bella fiddled with her napkin and wanted to cry from frustration.  She craned her neck and managed to catch the eye of the waiter.  In a very quiet voice she asked for her share of the bill.  Edward erupted into laughter.  Real, gut-busting belly laughing.  The kind he hadn’t felt since he was a boy.  Bella’s whole face flushed crimson with embarrassment.  Her dinner threatened to make a reappearance and she wanted to crawl into a hole and die.

“Thank you Miss Swan.  I haven’t laughed like that in forever.  I invited you to dinner and I will take care of the bill.  After all, I know what I pay you, you couldn’t afford the appetizer.”  He laughed again, not caring just how cruel he was being.

He stood when she did and shook the hand she bravely offered him.  Edward accepted her thanks with little grace and watched as the waiter helped her with her coat.  He kept his eyes on her as she walked from the room, her knees visibly shaking so much the hem of her cheap dress was quivering.

Bella made it to the door of the restaurant before her tears started.  She was proud of herself for that control.  She could taste blood on her tongue, knowing she had bitten her lower lip enough to rip the skin.  She didn’t notice the private detective following her home.


Be sure to put shouldbecleaning on your alert list so you can follow along with us when she begins posting Perfect Match on May 2.


  1. This is intriguing, I can stand a “not-so-nice” story as long as there is a HEA. I cant wait to try this story out.

  2. Sounds like Edward is an a-hole. Love it!!!

  3. Well, holy shit Batman! Not sure that this Edward and I are going to be friends at all. I’ll be interested to see how this all plays out.

  4. This should be good... I wonder if Edward can redeem himself in my eyes. What a dirtbag! I need to know more about this, can't wait to find out if Bella puts him in his place :)
