Monday, October 8, 2018

What we're reading in TLS this week:

We’ve entered fall and October, so it’s the perfect time to showcase some of our favorite Lemons & Lore! Halloween is quickly approaching, so this is the first of two segments of supernatural, scary, and paranormal stories that will haunt, thrill or spook you. We hope you will enjoy them along with TLS and please remember to leave the writers some love, in the form of a review. Tell them where you saw them featured!

Read at your own risk! Not all of these have a HEA!

♥ Nic & Six

Asylum by darkNnerdy
He is sin personified, wicked and inked, cruelty always at the tip of his tongue. Black wings grace his back, and blood stains his hands. She's the poison he wants to consume, but can she survive? Rated M

Bored Games by m7707
A dark and twisted tale about vampires dealing with the never-ending boredom of eternity. Written for the Countdown to Halloween II. ONE SHOT. AU. OOC. Rated M

Buried by Ericastwilight
His reality was made of nightmares. She was plagued by them. Will she conquer her fears in time? Can he protect her? Rated M

Duplicity by Content 1
As one of Carlisle Cullen's children, Edward's future should have been one of a gentle existence. Instead, his rebellion led to a destiny of power, blood, lust, and domination. When the two worlds collide, what will be the cost of victory? Recipient of the Blood and Glory award/Red Eyed Edward Contest 2015 - Thanks Packy! Rated M

Elemental by TallulahBelle
When the Swans return to their birthplace, Bella learns she is no ordinary teenager, and Forks is no ordinary town. Can she fulfill her destiny with the powerful Edward Cullen, or will the dark forces that threaten their families destroy them all? Rated M

Halloween Hijinx by HalloweenHijinx
Eight Cullens. Eight creepy campfire tales. Join bmango, mskathy, sorceresscirce, theladyingrey42, tuesdaymidnight, yellowglue, and yogagal/lawngirl for a fun week of Halloween stories starring your favorite characters from Twilight. Rated M

Happy Halloween by NewTwilightFan
Are you in the mood for something scary, spooky, quirky, creepy or supernatural? A series of Halloween one-shots. Ratings, genres and characters vary by story. Individual ratings and summaries are at the top of each new post. Something for everyone. Happy Halloween! Rated M

House of the Horde by Raggdolly
Bella endures the dark side of LA. After being abducted and taken into the Hollywood Hills, she learns that humans are not at the top of the food chain. Can she escape or will she fall victim to a treacherous vampire? OOC/Dark Themes/No rape. Outtakes included. Rated M

Maledictum Magae by Bexi21
The curse happened in 1692.For over 300 years, Isabella Swan has lived alone, afraid to be close to anyone again.But when she finally meets someone who captures her heart, the unthinkable happens, leaving her in a kind of danger she never thought possible

Masquerade by BellaSunshine
One-shot. Bella goes to a Halloween masquerade party, where she meets a tall, dark stranger... Rated M for language and a lemon. AU-Human Fiction M

My Subconscious by JennaRay NP
Bella shares an eerie night in the meadow with Edward on Halloween. My entry for the Halloween countdown hosted by Breath-of-twilight. Rated M for moderate themes of violence.

Phantasmic by BottledCoke
After hearing about the "Phantom Doll", Edward can't help but be curious. He falls in love with the figurine and decides to buy it. There's rumors about the doll,how it got its name. It supposedly can move, talk and some former owners even claim it drank. Rated M

Prey for the Wicked by Aleeab4u
A vampire finds the true meaning of temptation, an innocent beauty with a siren's blood. Need and curiosity ignite endless possibility, but is she prey for the wicked or the answer to a prayer for salvation? When obsession has no reason and love knows no bounds, where do you draw the line? AU E/B Darkward Mature themes. Non-canon vampires. No sparkling, vegetarianism or venom. Rated M

Sleepy Hollow by content1
In the "Legend of Sleepy Hollow," Ichabod Crane, after losing the hand of his love, Katrina, was taken by the Headless Horseman, never to be seen again. What if the legend wasn't quite true? Winner 2nd Place Public Vote, Spell-Binding Award, Validator's Choice (Enchanted by Twilight), and Judge's Choice (BeeGurl13) in the Tricks and Treats Contest 2015. Rated M

She Speaks Fear and Truth by Ericastwilight
She's haunted daily, but learns to deal with her gift, helping those in need. He hides behind his opinions,seeking closure, barely living. When their worlds collide can they help each other. A story of loss, love and betrayal with a supernatural twist. Rated: M

The Dollhouse by Kambria Rain
We were all going to die. I used to be an optimistic person, but that went out the window as soon as the hot mountain man decided we were going to hunt the hunters. AH. Warning: So far, there are minor character deaths, and Edward's a little scary. Rated M

The Emperors of Washington by gallantcorkscrews
Edward is a killer. But it can't be explained away by his vampire nature. He's just a sociopathic, human teenager. Rated M

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